Secondary anchor


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North Carolina
Happy Memorial Day! I know we have had threads in the past on anchors. The box anchor seems to be a favorite on this forum. (I don't have one) What I'm looking for is a compact secondary but capable anchor to prevent the pendulum effect while anchored relatively close to other boats. (My other secondary anchor went with the old boat) For those of you who have a secondary anchor......what do you have?
I use 2 box anchors .A medium at the bow ,and a small for the stern on windy days to stop the sway .
The lake that I am on has a thick mud bottom. After trying out several different types of anchors I finally found one that works better than the rest for my situation. I use a 20 lb. River anchor. It sinks deep into the mud and then holds well. Occasionally on extremely windy days, I have had to drop a second River Anchor overboard. Other anchors didn't have anything to bite into, so they didn't hold well. Since a pontoon boat sits so high on the water, I have found that it moves around a bit with the wind when anchored.
The lake that I am on has a thick mud bottom. After trying out several different types of anchors I finally found one that works better than the rest for my situation. I use a 20 lb. River anchor. It sinks deep into the mud and then holds well. Occasionally on extremely windy days, I have had to drop a second River Anchor overboard. Other anchors didn't have anything to bite into, so they didn't hold well. Since a pontoon boat sits so high on the water, I have found that it moves around a bit with the wind when anchored.
Do you ever have any trouble retrieving your sunk in the mud anchor????
Do you ever have any trouble retrieving your sunk in the mud anchor????

Nope. But a times it has tested my strength. Needed a beer after pulling one out though - LOL. I'm sure you could attach the anchor to a cleat and give it a little tug if it in deed got stuck.
Do you ever have any trouble retrieving your sunk in the mud anchor????

What I have found that works best is to, slowly pull in the anchor line until you're right up over the anchor, then bend over and give it one solid pull. You can feel the anchor slowly being released from the bottom. Pull the anchor line up until you see the chain rode, then bob it up and down a few times to clear off the mud from the anchor. Don't bring that mud on the boat - it STINKS. All that decaying matter that's sitting on the bottom of the lake, has a foul smell.
What I have found that works best is to, slowly pull in the anchor line until you're right up over the anchor, then bend over and give it one solid pull. You can feel the anchor slowly being released from the bottom. Pull the anchor line up until you see the chain rode, then bob it up and down a few times to clear off the mud from the anchor. Don't bring that mud on the boat - it STINKS. All that decaying matter that's sitting on the bottom of the lake, has a foul smell.
You're right that stuff stinks! We were in a hurry to head home one time and put the anchor away with some mud on it. Later we're like what the hell is that smell? Did we forget to take the trash can out last time? It was that crusty mud that was coming off the anchor under the seat.......