Sharing a slip, how to protect? (Rafting fenders?)


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We have a new guy sharing our slip at the marina and his boat is a lot wider than the last person. It's kind of a tricky slip where he will probably have to back all the way out and around to clear ours and other's boats (it's kinda back in a corner). We do turn our motor/prop as far away as possible to help clear the way but I was also thinking of adding a few fenders to the starboard side where he docks. There would be space between fenders, obviously, so not sure it'd do that much good. I also ran across these "rafting fenders" and was wondering if anyone has ever used them in a shared slip? They come in different widths/lengths.

(Or do you just hope the guy knows how to drive and not worry so much!? : )
We have those that we use once in a while and they work well. I paid $20.00 for 2 of the 7 1/2 ft ones at a yard sale.
We have those that we use once in a while and they work well. I paid $20.00 for 2 of the 7 1/2 ft ones at a yard sale.

Do you think it matters the height (15" vs. 22" H) as long as it covers where I want it?
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