Trailer Loading Assist railes


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Union Kentucky
[SIZE=medium]Does anyone use assist rails to load there pontoon? I am new to pontoons not new to boating and I struggle with my boat loading.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I was thinking about a product from [/SIZE][SIZE=medium][/SIZE][SIZE=medium] to help. Any one use these or do you recommend another brand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]I have a 2014 RSR 250 Merc[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Thanks [/SIZE]

I have made another  system. I took off the upright polls remover the wood posts put up the uprights and bolted in 2X6's This gives you a guide onto the ramps. I also shielded the ramps and guides with plastic. It comes in 3' lengths and raps around 3 sides of the 2x6. I'd showed some pictures on the galley about a month ago. They work better than what comes with the trailer but as pontoon boats go the best way to but it on a trailer is with NO wind at all. Good luck
What few people that I have read about using the 4c product really likes it.  I made my own fabrication, similar to the 4c, but non-adjustable...still it was a big help.  There are posts on other pontoon forums that discuss it as well.
USKDBP03...We installed the 4-c innovation system on our benny about 5 months ago and worth every penny(399 and free shipping)truly works on windy days when anywhere close and it will put you on track.You have to buy your own 2x4 but the directions are good and when you launch you can adjust the rails to conform to the ramp pitch,adjusting is easy just slide round tube in front after loosening bolts,either up or down and tighten If you launch at same location all the time no adjustments needed after first time and probably most launch ramps are close anyway......
USKDBP03...We installed the 4-c innovation system on our benny about 5 months ago and worth every penny(399 and free shipping)truly works on windy days when anywhere close and it will put you on track.You have to buy your own 2x4 but the directions are good and when you launch you can adjust the rails to conform to the ramp pitch,adjusting is easy just slide round tube in front after loosening bolts,either up or down and tighten If you launch at same location all the time no adjustments needed after first time and probably most launch ramps are close anyway......

Hi theduke,

Did you install the 4-c with the boat on the trailer.  Do you still like it in 2016?
He hasn't been here for 2 years.
I did not purchase the 4-C product in the end,  I decided to go with the two 1.1/4 inch shafts with pvc covers on them. Love it once the front is in the back always follows. Used to be two to three times to load now it is always just one even with waves or wind

The 4C system looks nice.  But at those prices, they should be nice.  They should be easily copied by any welding shop.

I still like the bunks low in front and tall in back--so they're closer to being parallel to the water's surface when the boat's on a steep ramp.  (We don't have any shallow ramps.)