Used Outboard


Well-Known Member
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Little Elm, Texas
So it seems my next venture is going to be upgrading my 115 to either a 150 or maybe even 200. what kind of advice can you give me for purchasing a used motor.
get the biggest on you can find? You will never wish you would of then!
Just as above stated ....... You can always throttle down, but you can't throttle up any further ...... :)
Pretty sure he's meaning more along the lines of "what kind of things should he look for in a motor, as in how many hours, seal conditions, skeg damage, etc.
Semp, your the King of quick facts and info! Your the web MD of all things boating! There is a lot of good information in there. As for finding a used 2.8 200 good luck as they are less than a year old. Also, did Bennington underrate the elliptical toon boats so you can get a 200?
I would like to see the boat the motor was originally mounted on so I can form an opinion on how well the motor may have been maintained. A fresh water motor is preferred.

Always have the used motor scanned so you can tell if it's throwing any codes. And the scan will also tell you the hours usage in a rpm range--aka 2000-3000 rpm's, 3000-4000 rpm's, and so on.

If there have been any recalls, check to see if the repairs have been done to the engine. It'd be nice to see if any warranty work has ever been performed on the motor.

If the engine's very old, have the lower unit grease drained, and the L/U seals checked by pressure and vacuum testing.
I hope that they are underrated, I found an 09 250,225 and 200 for sale by a reputable dealer here in Texas. I do know that Bennington has a super transom that can be added to increase the engine size of a given boat. I will call Bennington tomorrow and ask