Yamaha Outbord Motor Service Manuals


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Northeastern NJ
Does anyone bother to purchase a service manual for their outboard motor?  I see that Yamaha offers the service manual for $93 in book form.  I was wondering if anyone has these in PDF form.
I have a Honda manual on cd that I got on Ebay.
A service manual is great, if you need one.

But with the complexity of modern outboards, plus the fact that it is under warranty for at least 3 years, and that you need a computer interface to diagnose them, i'm not real sure what you would need to know.

Basic maintenence is covered in the owners manual,and things like water pump replacement can be found on the internet.

 easily enough.
Yes that makes sense since the dealer will be servicing everything for the first three years.
Google "Yamaha Outboard Service Manual" and see if one's available for your year and horsepower.

I got a Yamaha Waverunner VX Dealer Service Manual yesterday in PDF form for $5. 