Mirror view
Fantastic Picture.  Very Creative.  Got the shot without showing the camera.   Gotta have a mirror like that.  Again, where'd you get that mirror?    In the picture, your lake looks huge.  How many acres of water does your lake have?

Eagle1 said:
Fantastic Picture.  Very Creative.  Got the shot without showing the camera.   Gotta have a mirror like that.  Again, where'd you get that mirror?    In the picture, your lake looks huge.  How many acres of water does your lake have?

Honestly I couldn't tell you how many acres it is! It isn't very big at all. I did find it once and posted it on the forum here somewhere, but I couldn't find it either! The biggest thing that sucks about my lake is it is pretty much wide open. No little coves to hide from the wind or other wakes, and let me tell ya, on a hot Saturday in the summer, it is one BUSY place!

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