Recent content by Cletus

  1. Cletus

    Post up your other toys or hobbies ..... AGAIN

    Bought the streetglide special to retire with , its been a trip :)
  2. Cletus

    Hole in my motor cowl

    Yes, just about any auto/motorcycle shop can repair this, is what they do
  3. Cletus

    Strange pontoon etching / disfiguration

    Could also be a case for shark hide sealant
  4. Cletus

    Strange pontoon etching / disfiguration

    Definitely aluminum oxidation, have no reason for it, PH imbalance just guessing
  5. Cletus

    Center bilge bilge pump

    Do you know where these pumps discharge?
  6. Cletus

    Inexpensive rear view mirror hack.

    I have use the suction cup on the edge of console in the middle and it works great for a rear view mirror. Can see tubers perfectly
  7. Cletus

    Essentials Kept on the Boat

    Thank you for the information, looks like simple is the way I go
  8. Cletus

    Essentials Kept on the Boat

    This thread is a few years old but was wondering how the flag on the rear running light holds up. what kind of mounts did you use? Thanks for the info
  9. Cletus

    Essentials Kept on the Boat

  10. Cletus

    Anyone live near Rolla MO?

    We have a cabin on Pomme de Terre
  11. Cletus

    Anyone live near Rolla MO?

    we live about 100 miles from rolla mo in festus area
  12. Cletus

    Any Pomme De Terre Lake Boaters

    Yes been at Pomme de Terre since 2005, retired and bought a new Bennington tritoon this past summer.