Your vent inside the gas tank may be sticking. This happened to me several times. So I used a very long screw driver and pushed it into the gas tank fill. Then I filled up with gas and I had very little back splash. Like you I had to turn gas handle sideways also. I never had any problems...
Just noticed last week that I was getting rust on the Bennington emblems. I have a QX. Anyone else having this issue? Guess I will be headed to Bennington to get it replaced. Also my gas gap is becoming corroded. Just irritating since I have had this boat a year. We always wash and dry it...
We lucked out in Cape Coral area! Couldn't believe we didn't have any damage unlike Hurricane Ian. Prayers answered. This weekend we were just putting everthing back on Lania. Also, took off Canopy Cover and boat had no damage thankfully. My neighbors, across the canal, left his canopy on...
I ran out of gas when my Simrad said I had 15 gallons left in my 56 gallon tank. My issue was due to my Simrad not being calibrated properly in the Vessel part. So I went to top off the gas and entered "full" under the 56 gallon tank and have never had an issue since. Glad it was that simple
Sorry about the damage to your boat! There were a lot of problems like yours in SWFL after Hurricane Ian. I saw a lot of companies, like SeaTow, putting the damaged boats on portable floating docks so they could pull the boats in. If you belong to one of these companies, it should be no...
I have two MinnKota 10' power poles on my QX. They are wonderful to use while beaching and I bought them mainly for convenience. But I also do have heavier anchors in case we are in extremely rough chop. But we like to beach all the time so very convenient to have. I would recommend having...
interesting video on your topic. I no nothing about the digital smart gauage, but maybe this video will help. Possibly the installation of the new batteries...
I am directly below you Tim in Sanibel. It's really humid down here and I have never had a problem with it drying. I have to agree with the guys about the glue/sealant. That must be the issue
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