
  1. B

    Flooring help!!

    I need help deciding on teak or Seagrass on my new 2019 Bennington. Please give input
  2. Dan S

    deck coverings and temperatures

    Does anyone out there have any definitive info regarding just how hot vinyl vs Seagrass vs Aquateak vs carpet is. This has nothing to do with how they look, just how uncomfortable they may be on bare feet. I have a deadline of Monday/Feb 16 to decide between Seagrass and Aquateak in nutmeg or...
  3. Kahlua0517

    Seagrass flooring very hot or slippery when wet??

    I'm about to purchase a new Benny and have concerns about the seagrass flooring getting very hot or slippery when wet.  Has anyone had that experience?  Many thanks!