135 HP Optimax? (vs. 150 Optimax and 150 Verado)


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Anyone using a 135 HP Mercury Optimax on a Bennington pontoon?

This is not an option on the 24-SSL we are looking to buy, although I'm sure the dealer could get one if I wanted one.

I found some interesting info on Mercury's website, but it took a LOT of digging to boil down all the info. They have tons of test results for various combinations of boats and motors (not just pontoons). In all cases (ALL cases) the Optimax 135HP performs the same as the Optimax 150HP in terms of max test speed, for the same, or very similar boat (no more than 1 MPH difference)! How can that be??? There are about 7-8 boats where they put these two motors on the same boat, and the results look VERY close in every case. It's like the 135HP and the 150HP are the exact same motor. Anyone know anything about this?

In addition, they tested 7 pontoons (no Benningtons, unfortunately) with the Merc 115HP 4 stroke and for all of these 7, the max speed was 25-30 MPH.

They tested 7 other pontoons (none the exact same boat as the above 7, unfortunately) with either the 135HP Optimax, the 150HP Optimax, or the 150HP Verado 4-Stroke. All of these tested max speed between 35 and 42 MPH. Notice the 5 MPH gap BETWEEN the 115HP and the group of 135/150HP motors. No boats came in with a max speed between 30-35 MPH.

115HP = 25-30 MPH.

135/150HP = 35-40 MPH.

The jump from the 115HP to the 135/150HP is that big. And, not at all out of line with what others have told me on this forum "from experience".

Bottom line, this tells me the 115HP is probably not suitable for skiing, tubing and wakeboarding. But it also looks like the 135 Opti, the 150 Opti and the 150 Verado are all pretty similar (as a group) in terms of max speed. However, there is a big PRICE difference between those 3 motors.

I guess the question I'm struggling with at the moment is why would I spend a penny more to go above the 135HP Optimax, which is the cheapest of the three motors in that group? Before you answer, know that the 135HP Opti scored the highest 2 max speeds in that group of motors, above the 150 Optimax and the 150 Verado. Very interesting.

I get that the Optimax it is a 2-cycle (my preference is the 4 stroke). But, for several thousand dollars more, I'm not sure I like the 4 strokes THAT much...

What am I missing?
The Verado is going to cost more because it is a lot more complex than the Optimax. Its not the supercharger, it is the fact that its a 4 stroke, with valves, valve springs, seals, overhead camshafts, timing chains, an oiling system designed for a vertical inline engine,(much harder to design than a 4 strokie that is horizontal like in a car), and probably 5 times the number of parts. That said, a 4 stroke is quiet, does not smoke in long idle zones, is happy to idle all day, and possibly "may" be more fuel efficent.

The reason the 115 to 135 or 150 is bigger noticable jump than 135 to 150 is the fact the 115 was a V4 cyl,(now an inline 3 cyl), and a smaller engine. The 135 and 150 are V6 cylinders, and both are the same cubic inch size, just a difference in tuning. Verados are the same way, currently the 150, 175, and 200 are inline 4 cylinders, all three the same cubic inch but tuned differently. The 225, 250, and 300 are V6's and the same size, just tuned differently. So in my opinion, moving up from 175 to 200 will not give the same performance differance than going from 200 to 225. You can do all the tuning you want (tuning meaning porting or camshaft changes, or boost increases, and computer changes as well), but the fact you are actually changing the number of cylinders and engine size is of greater importance.

Me, I have mixed thoughts: My Waverunners are all 2 stroke, because the are easier to work on, and "I" believe fuel injection, cams and valves, and other 4 stroke stuff is just to much technology to mess with on a PWC that can be submerged, constantly splashed with water, and rolled over. 2 strokes take a licking and keep on ticking.

However, for my pontoon, and the Baja boat before it, I find the 4 stroke to be a much more refined and modern approach for propulsion. thats why I chose the 250 Verado, and I must say I am very pleased with my choice.

Good luck with your choice!! Happy boating
Love this forum. Thanks for the response LT1GMC.

I just called Bass Pro (because they are open on Sunday) and price delta between the 135HP Optimax and the 150HP Optimax is $100! That's not a typo. $100 difference.

This confirms what you said, that they are the same mechanically. Since Mercury's speed tests also seem to indicate they are the same (negligible difference), I'm guessing the extra $100 just buys you paint in the shape of "150" on the motor cowling! I'm joking. Half way. I'm sure there are software/tuning differences, but unless I'm splitting hairs, for all practical purposes they are the same in my mind. Would I pay $100 to put "150" on the cowling instead of "135"? Hmmmmmmm. That's actually a tough question...

In case anyone is interested, the 150HP Verado (4-stroke) was about $1200 more. I guess that's the cost of complexity and refinement.
Chexk out 150 optimax pro xs. 10% mors hp then std 150 and u get low water pick ups, carbon fiber reeds and stronger internals. 500 bucks over std 150, i run low low 40's with lite load on 2275 RCW With 32" toons and lifting strakes
