Well I couldn't find my login and just got it figured out. Sorry I didn't get back in sooner to reply. I really appreciate all the replies. With the original 14 x 11 prop I over revved past 6300 at WOT. I spoke with the parts department at my dealership. They recommended a Yamaha 13 5/8 X 13 prop. Now it is 5100 RPM at WOT. That seems like it is too much prop to me. It did pick up MPH to 19 with this prop. Moving in the right direction. Seems like I may need a 12 pitch prop but cannot seem to find one. They only seem to come in 11 or 13 pitch. Any suggestions that would put me at 6000 RPM at WOT. All of these are with 3 persons at about 600 lbs. May be time to hit the gym...