2021 pontoon. No red/green nav lights. anc light ok......how is the rocker switch supposed to work?


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I can press the anc side down and get white light on but no red/green. the switch doesnt seem to have a middle "off position" so when i press nav the white light goes off and red green still off. was working fine. and the center of the switch does NOT light up (if it should)
Should be a 3 position switch (typically). Nav/off/anchor
Nav lights up red/grn/wht, anc is white only.
Should be a 3 position switch (typically). Nav/off/anchor
Nav lights up red/grn/wht, anc is white only.
worked fine this am. but evidently if you don't depress the nav side right in the middle and hold it for a sec it doesn't hold and turn on. last night i had a diff driver and he was just pressing quickly and after sev failed attempts you have to rock it back to anchor and then press again slow and firm. didn't seem loose on back side so seems fine now. worked 15 times in a row when depressed correctly.