303 Protectorant-Why So Many #'s For The Same Product?


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Tellico Lake, TN
I want to start using 303 Protectorant to help preserve my vinyl. Online I see 303 Protectorant with 4 different numbers: 30313, 30320, 30350 & 30305. Can anyone tell me which one is preferred?

Thank you.
I'll have to check what the wife bought for the vw beetle top. She bought a case of something. I'm betting the fabric guard. Sounds like I need to spray some on the carpet and bimini like Jack. Do you just spray it directly on?
I'll have to check what the wife bought for the vw beetle top. She bought a case of something. I'm betting the fabric guard. Sounds like I need to spray some on the carpet and bimini like Jack. Do you just spray it directly on?
Yes ,right on the carpet let it dry .

I also bought the case ,it was a lot less than the gallon 
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It does, and when I ordered it Monday it said two days. Then I get an email today that they are having trouble and it the current estimate is May 13-20.
whew... ordered mine on the 19th and it's on its way....must be all the boaters getting their spring orders in causing a shortage.
Gentlemen I ordered Sharkhide and some 303 protectant from Overtons on Monday night and it was just delivered at noon today by Fedex........free shipping for orders over $50.00........
My 2 gallons of 303 fabric protectant just arrived minutes ago from Amazon.  I placed the order on the 15th.
Perhaps you'll find this interesting. I was inquiring as to whether I bought the wrong protectant since mine didn't say Marine on the bottle.

Hi Blaine,

Thank you for contacting Gold Eagle Co. While there are a couple different labels for 303® Aerospace Protectant, each bottle has the exact same formula. We sell to a couple different channels and have labeled the product as such. If you have any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us.

Have a great day,

Tyler Rossdeutcher



Gold Eagle Company
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Weirdo! (Jared)

But everyone with a linkedin on here should add him!
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