Advice needed Bennington 2552 boat cover


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I recently purchased a new bennington 2552 qcw and I am loving the boat. Best decisioin ever. In reference to my cover, it is 2 pieces and water seems to be getting in near the windshield. It is secure as I can get it.

Any suggestions or am I better off speaking to Bennington about a 1 piece cover

Thanks much

Gave You Sprayed It With Fabric Protection?
My boat cover was like this, it was split into tow pieces and the rain would get in at the windshield, where the cover slopes down.  When I was storing it in the driveway for long periods, I would tape a garbage back over the windshield area, but the tape residue would stick to the boat cover, so not actually a good idea.
I sprayed some 303 fabric protector on the mooring cover, and the stuff spotted--like oil.  I washed it in hot water to no avail. 

I'll just take the OEM fabric protection it comes from the factory with.