Any Massachusetts Benningtonians?

I am a new Bennington owner. I am an even newer forum member. I have read some great posts and seen many great pics...but they are all from distant lands far far away. Are there any Bennington owners in Mass? I know our lakes are limited, but there must be a couple out here. Let’s see some Mass posts and make a splash!
I am a new Bennington owner. I am an even newer forum member. I have read some great posts and seen many great pics...but they are all from distant lands far far away. Are there any Bennington owners in Mass? I know our lakes are limited, but there must be a couple out here. Let’s see some Mass posts and make a splash!

Ludlow we keep ours on First Connecticut Lake in NH where the Connecticut river starts
Webster Lake. In the Guinness book of records for the lake with the longest name. You’ll see several different spellings. Easier to say than to spell. We all learned to say it as kids and have taught our friends.
Webster Lake. In the Guinness book of records for the lake with the longest name. You’ll see several different spellings. Easier to say than to spell. We all learned to say it as kids and have taught our friends.
We've been to Webster Lake back in the day. My inlaws had a place on Pascoag reservoir in Rhode Island about a half hour away.
It’s amazing how built up it’s gotten over the years. Most of the old cottages have been torn down and huge houses put up. The boat traffic has also increased greatly. Still a Great Lake or technically a great pond.
I am a new Bennington owner. I am an even newer forum member. I have read some great posts and seen many great pics...but they are all from distant lands far far away. Are there any Bennington owners in Mass? I know our lakes are limited, but there must be a couple out here. Let’s see some Mass posts and make a splash!
Townsend ma here
The way I was raised to say the lake name is, lake chaugoggagoggmanchaugagoggchubunnagungamogg. It was beautiful again yesterday. Zipping along in the Bennington and jumping in at the deep spot.