Be smart this summer


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
I know this isn't a soap box kind of place, but a young man in this community lost his life the other day. The cause? Drinking and driving. On there way home from the lake. That's where it ties into this forum. Drinking and driving is nothing new, it's been going on for years before, but hopefully someday not in the years to come. Many of us enjoy a cool beverage from time to time, and many while we are out boating. I'm sure everyone of us can think back to a point in our lives when we lost someone we know or care about as a result of drinking and driving. I didn't know this recent victim, and yes he was a victim, because for some reason, more often than not, it isn't the driver who loses their life, but rather that person riding next to them, the car in front of them or a random bystander. I have lost friends, I was an idiot myself, but lucky for me and the people I care about, I had a realization one day and refuse to put myself in that situation. I cannot control the world around me, but I can control my own actions, and play a role in those around me. So next time you are out on your boat, over at a friends, or having a romantic dinner with your one true love, ask yourself this, is this person's life, or that of anyone, worth more than the cost of cab fare? I think the obvious answer is yes, so the choice is simple, pay the fare. You could save their life, your own life, or that of a random stranger. But remember you could be that same random stranger in someone else's equation. Sorry to write a novel, but to see the outcry of support and sadness of these teenagers reminded me of my days as a teenager and the friends I've lost to stupidity.

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This is an excellent post. Everyone young and old needs to think about these things.