Blue Sky cover - has anyone tried one?

Please keep me posted! My boat stays on a lift under cover boat dock, but I keep seats covered with painters drop clothes/tarps to keep bird poop off. Thinking the Blue Sky Cover would do the trick and look better.
I’m on a covered lift as well and found that I had a few birds perching under it from time to time. I bought a string of triangle banners (like you used to see on used car lots) and ran them in an X pattern under the canopy. That solved my problem.


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I purchased one and love it. Like others I keep mine in a covered slip and on a lift, so in the summer really wanted something I could put on easy to keep the bird and spider poop off my interior. This does just that. The only thing I added were a few sand bags on each side attached with quick clips to keep the sides of the cover down. For reference I have a 2006 2275Rl and was told by them to get the XL, and it’s the right size. In the winter time, I use the mooring cover since I am not using it daily/weekly.
I purchased one and love it. Like others I keep mine in a covered slip and on a lift, so in the summer really wanted something I could put on easy to keep the bird and spider poop off my interior. This does just that. The only thing I added were a few sand bags on each side attached with quick clips to keep the sides of the cover down. For reference I have a 2006 2275Rl and was told by them to get the XL, and it’s the right size. In the winter time, I use the mooring cover since I am not using it daily/weekly.
Getting the correct size will be my concern. I have the 2016 21SSX (fishing seats in the rear) so for sure at least the large, maybe the XL.
Getting the correct size will be my concern. I have the 2016 21SSX (fishing seats in the rear) so for sure at least the large, maybe the XL.
I would email them and get their feedback. They were very responsive when I was asking questions about what size to get.
I purchased one and love it. Like others I keep mine in a covered slip and on a lift, so in the summer really wanted something I could put on easy to keep the bird and spider poop off my interior. This does just that. The only thing I added were a few sand bags on each side attached with quick clips to keep the sides of the cover down. For reference I have a 2006 2275Rl and was told by them to get the XL, and it’s the right size. In the winter time, I use the mooring cover since I am not using it daily/weekly.
Any chance you can share a picture of this with the sand bags on each side to pull it downward on the sides? Curious how well that helps eliminate side gaps. Do you find even with using them that it makes for quick and easy covering of the boat in nice weather?
Getting the correct size will be my concern. I have the 2016 21SSX (fishing seats in the rear) so for sure at least the large, maybe the XL.
I would think extra large in general for your boat based on the FAQ on their website and based on how the “advice” is kind of to go big to not overstretch. No experience with them myself. Kind of curious about this product as something that could assist in tossing a light and easy cover on our boat dockside in nice weather, so I started poking around on their website to gather some info myself.
Any chance you can share a picture of this with the sand bags on each side to pull it downward on the sides? Curious how well that helps eliminate side gaps. Do you find even with using them that it makes for quick and easy covering of the boat in nice weather?
Unfortunately I don’t have a picture. The sand bags do a good job at eliminating the side gap, but still not 100%. In most cases I wouldn’t use them as I’m in a covered slip and the side gap is minimal to start with, so only used them when I was going to be away from the lake for a few weeks. Depending on your setup they do come with straps which would eliminate all side gap, but that takes away from whole quick and easy part which I love about this cover. When I do add the sand bags, it’s just two on each side and takes a minute at most to get them added, and really my 9yr old does that part for me! Haha.
I like the idea of a quick cover. We cover our boat every night. But I feel the clip cover can be tossed on pretty quickly. If no rain is predicted I'll just snap the corners only and not put the poles up. Full snap and poles if the weather is sketchy or when we're away for several days. There is nothing worse than crawling under the cover.
Saw this on Facebook, curious if anyone has tried one? Lightweight and stretchy.

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I just heard about them this past weekend from another pontoon owner. I was interested because I am looking for a lightweight temp cover for overnight mooring. Today he told me he ordered one. So I will have an opportunity to at lest see it. Why I question is that it is quoting UPF rating which does not compute because it refers to protecting your skin not boat furniture. Some of the lingo like Moisture Wicking still refers to clothing. I am interested in what the fabric actually is. Will update this after I see it.
Put me on the list of someone who is intrigued with this. I have a 2015. 25-foot QCW, I am thinking about a Large in black.
Unless there are storms coming. I just need a cover to keep. the seats covered. and keep 90 per cent of the dirt out.. I think this would do it and would be so much easier than lugging that big cover out and clipping and snapping everything down. etc. Waiting to hear other people's feedback on this, potentially interested in ordering one this spring.
Would like to hear some real-life experiences on how easy it is to use and if it's reasonably effective in keeping. daily dirt, et cetera, off the seats..
Unfortunately I don’t have a picture. The sand bags do a good job at eliminating the side gap, but still not 100%. In most cases I wouldn’t use them as I’m in a covered slip and the side gap is minimal to start with, so only used them when I was going to be away from the lake for a few weeks. Depending on your setup they do come with straps which would eliminate all side gap, but that takes away from whole quick and easy part which I love about this cover. When I do add the sand bags, it’s just two on each side and takes a minute at most to get them added, and really my 9yr old does that part for me! Haha.
Do you think you could use a tarp clip with a bungee or similar to pull down the sides a little or do you think the material is not strong enough for a tarp clip?

