Well-Known Member
[SIZE=medium]I’ve noticed that aside from manufactures creating unique boats, it seems owners don’t take it upon themselves to make major modifications. What I mean by this is many have no problem buying a new car / truck, modifying mechanicals, interior and sometimes a dramatic exterior change such as removing a hard top, turning a charger into a 2 door and let’s not forget sanding down brand new paint to go with something not offered by the manufacturer. ( I remember while on the GTO forum this guy painted his GTO white, it was not a factory color and it looked awesome) This type of customization does not seem as prevalent in boating, or at least to what I have been exposed to. I know there are some very nice custom boats out there but I haven’t seen an owner of a new Bennington reupholster their seats with a bold pattern, sew their name into the headrest, repaint the panels and so on. Individualization seems to be limited to slapping a name on the back of the fence and adding some speakers. How unique would a Q be shortened down with ESP or their new wake hull be with and a big I/O be? It is not like there is drive train and brakes to consider. Just shorten the toons and some wiring and bingo. Too bad there aren’t concept boats like the auto manufactures create. Maybe we could do a "forum" build and use our replaced warranty/insurance items to build a boat!! (Jack's outer scuffed toon for instance could have been used. Functional but blemished) [/SIZE]