Boating Buddies

Your killin me, Zoey looks content, Hoping to get up there next weekend. I'm taking tomorrow off to hopefully get my polish close to finished. Its been a journey. 
Your killin me, Zoey looks content, Hoping to get up there next weekend. I'm taking tomorrow off to hopefully get my polish close to finished. Its been a journey. 
Well you know how warm it's been. My only problem is getting anything done at home. I want to be on the lake all the time..
That's me I love the water, normally I would be out already. Its Big blocks fault with his shiny toons :(   
We had our buddy swimming at one of the islands on our lake today. He whines until we take him to "his" spot.,
Your killin me, Zoey looks content, Hoping to get up there next weekend. I'm taking tomorrow off to hopefully get my polish close to finished. Its been a journey.
Finished polishing mine last night. It took a lot longer than I thought. We'll have to trade stories when you are done.
Finished polishing mine last night. It took a lot longer than I thought. We'll have to trade stories when you are done.
What time you want me to bring mine over? (Pics or it ain't true)
Zoey definitely looks content!
What time you want me to bring mine over? (Pics or it ain't true)
Ha ha. I'm not doing this again! It was a lot of work. I have some pics to post soon.
Great... Now I'll have to pay someone.
Still beats doing it yourself, shinning the toons to that degree sounds like quite the chore
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I agree. I really thought maybe Dan would find a new found hobby and I'd be the first in line to aid him in time management. 
We had our two out with us this week!  I call them my furry first mates!

Dog are the best. Every time we've been on our boats our lab comes with us. Wouldn't have it any other way.
I have always loved driving down the road and seeing a dog sticking his head out of the car window, a boat must be quite a thrill for the dogs as it is all open. 
Thought about bringing our cat a few times. To test the anchor.
I agree. I really thought maybe Dan would find a new found hobby and I'd be the first in line to aid him in time management.
If anyone here is thinking about doing this (polish toons) start under the boat in an inconspicuous place first. Once you start on the outside, you've passed the point of no return and there is no going back. This is not hobby material!
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Kaydano, I love cats and have two of them but I must admit I enjoy your humor
Or is it?
Kaydano, I love cats and have two of them but I must admit I enjoy your humor
I generally like cats, but not the one we have.