Build date?


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SE Wisconsin
I ordered a boat at the Milwaukee boat show last winter, but it didn't go as planned:

So we reordered a 22SSRXPDN W/Yamaha 150 on 5/15/19. At the time he said I should have it by the 4th of July, which is a big deal here. They have fireworks over the lake and we have visitors coming and such.
I inquired about it yesterday and he said the build date is the week of the 27th. What does this mean? The 27th is a Thursday. Usually when you speak about the "week of" it is a Monday or Sunday, like the beginning of the week. So how long does it actually take to make a boat? How long to transport it from Indiana to Wisconsin? How long to rig the motor on it? I don't feel good about having it on the 4th weekend.
I ordered a boat at the Milwaukee boat show last winter, but it didn't go as planned:

So we reordered a 22SSRXPDN W/Yamaha 150 on 5/15/19. At the time he said I should have it by the 4th of July, which is a big deal here. They have fireworks over the lake and we have visitors coming and such.
I inquired about it yesterday and he said the build date is the week of the 27th. What does this mean? The 27th is a Thursday. Usually when you speak about the "week of" it is a Monday or Sunday, like the beginning of the week. So how long does it actually take to make a boat? How long to transport it from Indiana to Wisconsin? How long to rig the motor on it? I don't feel good about having it on the 4th weekend.

Ouch. Sorry to hear this. Not to be a bummer, but I am frankly surprised they even gave you that kind of time frame this time of year on a new build.

I know when I put an end of Dec. order into Bennington 2.5 years ago, they said 8-12 weeks until build, and then shipping and rigging after that. With it being the start of summer and high demand, that seems like a fast build.

Heck, even if they start the build on June 27th, I’d again be surprised if it can be built, shipped, rigged, and ready by July 4th. They’d have to accomplish all of that in 7 days! Sorry to be a bummer on this one. I really do wish you luck! However, I’d be considering contingency plans with company up for the 4th.
From my build date to my dealer was around a week. 2 days to build and then a couple days to ship. Bear in mind they had build slots set.