Cap for floor


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I have searched everywhere for a cap / cover to put in the floor table mount. I don't want to leave the table up all the time and don't like the big hole in the in the floor. Has anyone out there in Bennington land found one?
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royal4, 2 excellent reviews and 2 terrible reviews, did you buy one?  If so how did it fit on your Benny?
  • I purchased the one made by Sequoia from Overtons and it just lays on top of the hole, slides around and will not stay on. JUNK
royal4, 2 excellent reviews and 2 terrible reviews, did you buy one?  If so how did it fit on your Benny?

nope, didn't buy one just went searching after I read the thread.
We've had our table out for the first time in 8 yrs. Don't even notice the the extra space. We do still use it from time to time......
Maybe a trip to your local "home improvement" store? PVC or a Fernco end cap? Just thinking outloud, since all the boat ramps are underwater. :angry:
If you can't find a black one, a white one and some spray paint to match your floor would make it look less "Menards". Might do this myself. Had the table removed the other day, and it does leave quite the hole. Drill a small hole in it so you can pry it out without flipping the boat over and shaking it out.
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I have a cap that came with my table mount.  It works well, but I always remove it when I'm trailering so it doesn't blow away.