CNY Boat Show in Syracuse, NY


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Sacandaga Lake, NY
Just got back from the CNY Boat Show, there were 4 Bennington Dealers and Pontoon Boats seemed to dominate the floor. Going to these shows always confirms my personal satisfaction of my wisdom in purchasing a Bennington, they truly do seem to be so much more quality with better construction. When speaking with sales reps from competitors boats that approach I mention up front that I bought a Bennington last year and am not in the market just like looking and they all say that Yes, Bennington is a great manufactured boat.

The 2575 QCW Sport Tower was the show stopper of the show and I loved the seagrass floor. Also very nice was the 2550 RCB with Yamaha 150 and eleptical toons, Seagrass floor sidelight and Magma grill. The pricing seemed close to 2012 pricing when I looked at the one closest to my Benny - 2275RL Yamaha 115 Port Table Group Extended Deck Mocha Palm Carpet Washdown Underwater & Side lights

Premiere has a new pontoon that was two levels; the helm and small seating was in the very back of the boat which was raised about 3' above the main floor ansd was 2 or 3 steps up which could be dangerous without cocktails involved and would be an accident waiting to happen with cocktails involved. Real nice was the fact that it had a 10 '6" beam that really made a difference [also avail with an 8' 6"] The whole front was a square group seating. Attracted a lot of attention but really not a practical design.

Only problem with going to these shows is that I know it wont be long till I am eager to trade in and get another.
Agreed that the 2575 QCW sport tower was the show stopper. Owasco marine's display was the best hands down. Bill(owner) is a great guy. Would not hesitate to buy another boat from him!
Talked with Owasco, yes nice people, also got a chance to talk with a Yamaha rep and seadoo people. Owasco was definitly the best setup, surprised that Hutchinson only brought S series, it is nice selling point but when I saw the Q at Owasco I walked right by them to get to the Q.

Finetooned If you ever get up to Sacandaga with or without your boat, call me my contact info is on the Bennington Owners Locator Map