Does anyone have experience with Turning Point Propellers?


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Turning Point Propellers caught my eye because of their ‘pitch exchange’ program’. Does anyone have experience their propellers? Also how common is it for propeller sellers to have a generous return policy?
Turning Point Propellers caught my eye because of their ‘pitch exchange’ program’. Does anyone have experience their propellers? Also how common is it for propeller sellers to have a generous return policy?
I did some testing with a few on my G23, and returned a few. Nothing bad about them, but i think your stepping down a notch from the Mercury stainless props. There's a reason the Mercury props cost more. I found the Mercury propos to be smoother, more true to spec and generally better performance across the RPM range.
I did some testing with a few on my G23, and returned a few. Nothing bad about them, but i think your stepping down a notch from the Mercury stainless props. There's a reason the Mercury props cost more. I found the Mercury propos to be smoother, more true to spec and generally better performance across the RPM range.
Thanks for the input. I will look at Mercury stainless props. My current props are 4-blade aluminum designed for thrust not speed. I used them because my dealer has a generous return policy and they had them in stock. Now that I am close to the right pitch i think I want less total blade area (3-blades) for my modest power but I am not totally sure about that.
Thanks for the input. I will look at Mercury stainless props. My current props are 4-blade aluminum designed for thrust not speed. I used them because my dealer has a generous return policy and they had them in stock. Now that I am close to the right pitch i think I want less total blade area (3-blades) for my modest power but I am not totally sure about that.
You cant go wrong moving to a stainless prop. Regardless of brand, moving to stainless is already a big upgrade. You just need to have enough horsepower to take advantage of the stainless. If not, you're probably wasting your money. The stainless, like an enerita three blade will give you more thrust and more bite. A three blade with large blades like an enerita will outperform most four blades across the RPM range.
My toon was originally configured with a TP prop. Performance wasn't great at all. I changed it out to a Merc Enertia Prop and the difference was night and day.
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