Extended rear deck cover?

Do you think it would be worthwhile and would you be interested if Bennington offered an extension t

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Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
Just wondering what the forums thoughts are on having a cover for the rear decking. I know I spent a lot of money to have the nice teak decking and would hate for it to get stained from the leaves that fall on it, not to mention how wet the carpet gets between my rear loungers because the water just runs along the decking right to it. What are your thoughts?
You know, I was grazing some dealer's site a while back and I am absolutely certain they showed an RCW cover that extended all the way back. I can only assume it was a custom version for them as I'd never seen it before. For the life of me I can't recall where it was, but it does exist.
Yeah, it would be nice to cover the who rear transom. Would have to use poles on each side to keep it up. One of the nice things about the faux teak deck we have. Doest matter if it gets wet or not and cleans up easily
I agree it would be nice, it would serve a couple purposes, most of the stuff like dirt, leaves and pine needles ect get into the boat while sitting and it gets in under and around the rear gate, also this is where I believe some of the water gets into the center tube as well through the fuel tank cover right in front of the rear gate as well. It would keep the rear deck clean and prevent a lot of stuff from getting into the boat and keep it drier too.

I have full vinyl flooring in light tan and the rear exposed section gets really funky and it is fairly hard to scrub out the dirt and bird droppings that accumulate on it as well. It needs to be scrubbed manually fairly hard to get it clean several times a year, I live in the country next to a gravel road so the dust accumulates during the season being parked in my front yard.
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I voted no to the optional playpen cover extension. I did so because I believe that if one orders a boat with an extended rear deck, the playpen cover provided should cover it. Maybe the cost of the extended deck would have to be adjusted to cover any incremental costs from the larger cover; but the cover should protect the boat from rain, wind, sun, and tree debris. Only covering a portion of the boat only does a portion of the job.

Does Bennington strive to manufacture the best Pontoon in only some areas? No!, Bennington strives to manufacture the best Pontoons period. Warranty claims aside, the only way to do so is to constantly listen for feedback from owners, and to react to that feedback with changes as appropriate. The feedback here regarding extended deck coverage, and the feedback in your other thread regarding issues with cover design issues preventing sealing around tower poles, and instead creating a funnel to channel larger volumes of water through are legitimate points of pain with existing designs. I hope Bennington is listening, and reacting - after all, how hard can it be to draw up some solutions, test them and then release them with new boat orders? Sounds like fun to me!
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After 50 years boating on V and semi-displacement hulls, I bought my first pontoon in '09. A year old 2275 GRL, with carpet. Wish I had considered two issues before making the purchase; (1) by design, carpet needs to be vacuumed and (2) one must crawl around on hands and knees to secure the cover. Vacuuming and crawling, insofar as boating is concerned, create dilemmas for me. I fixed the crawling problem by having custom covers made which cover everything on the boat, including the engine and 3/4 of the side panels. Slip neighbors tell me it looks great. Alas, the carpet remains uncovered. As mentioned by others, boarding onto wet carpet is not the best way to start a boating day. Personally, for this ole boater, it beats ending the day crawling. :)
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I saw a cover on a boat that has a zipper so the front extension can be put on after the "body" and the "body" could be used as a travel cover. Looks like one could retro fit the current Bennington covers to do this. As time allows I'll contact my seamstress. (You could also have the boats name embroidered into the piece.)

I like the cover concept..not the boat.. :rolleyes:


Very interesting... How is it secured (zipped) if the boat is kept in the water (finger peer on one side)?