Farewell Benny

Finally got the new boat in the water. Just in time for the 4th of July. Have a great weekend everyone!
So, how do you like her so far??
So, how do you like her so far??
Having driven single and twin outboard boats in my past, I will say its a bit getting used to. Not horribly bad, but does wonder quite a bit at low speeds. Will take some getting used to around the dock for sure. I used quite of bit of fwd thrust on 1 motor and reverse / neutral thrust on the 2nd motor to get it to the dock without banging off the bumpers. Just need more practice.
Having driven single and twin outboard boats in my past, I will say its a bit getting used to. Not horribly bad, but does wonder quite a bit at low speeds. Will take some getting used to around the dock for sure. I used quite of bit of fwd thrust on 1 motor and reverse / neutral thrust on the 2nd motor to get it to the dock without banging off the bumpers. Just need more practice.
Yup, like most things, practice makes perfect! Enjoy…
Beautiful dock set up Todd! We need to install our new bumpers on the deck and pilings. Just curious why you didn't install a boat lift? Enjoy the new boat
Beautiful dock set up Todd! We need to install our new bumpers on the deck and pilings. Just curious why you didn't install a boat lift? Enjoy the new boat
Thanks!. We're only allowed to have the power lifts that are mounted to the top of the seawall (like the elevator lift style) in our canals. I think the quote to re-enforce the seawall, put a cement cap on top of the seawall, remove the dock, and cost of a 6000lbs lift was about $25K. If we had a longer then 5 month boat season, I would probably consider it.