Fuel gauge problem?


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I have a 2575 QCW 2015 sport tower with a Yamaha F200 on the back. I have a 50 gallon tank I believe, but more than once I have run out of fuel when the gage reads at 1/4 or just below, but not on dead E. Is It logical that it would be this inaccurate? Is there something I can fix or replace easily that might make it more accurate? Or is this just life and don't let it get near 1/4.....
I have heard that when fuel gets low that the float in the tank will stick around the 1/4 mark. It was happening on some 2023 models.
I’m going to guess that you have a 56 gallon tank, liked mine (2016 GCW 2574 tri-toon). You should be able to confirm by opening up the stern hatch and reading the tank label.

That said, for nine seasons, my fuel gauge was pretty spot on until halfway through this year. Mine was reading 50% when I ran dry.

I pulled out the fuel sender (a very simple job) and ran the float up and down, where it seemed to register on the gauge as it should. I have to say that it seems highly unlikely that the float could stick, but apparently it did.

I ordered the exact same fuel sending unit for under $100 but didn’t get around to replacing it yet. I’ll update next spring whether a new unit solved my issue.
I’m going to guess that you have a 56 gallon tank, liked mine (2016 GCW 2574 tri-toon). You should be able to confirm by opening up the stern hatch and reading the tank label.

That said, for nine seasons, my fuel gauge was pretty spot on until halfway through this year. Mine was reading 50% when I ran dry.

I pulled out the fuel sender (a very simple job) and ran the float up and down, where it seemed to register on the gauge as it should. I have to say that it seems highly unlikely that the float could stick, but apparently it did.

I ordered the exact same fuel sending unit for under $100 but didn’t get around to replacing it yet. I’ll update next spring whether a new unit solved my issue.
I may pull mine out and take a look at it as I am taking it out of the water for the season this week. Ever since I ran out a couple of summers ago at a quarter of a tank, I've never trusted the thing since. Does this look to be an easily replaceable item? And where did you get the part from?
Yes, it’s quite easy to remove the fuel sender unit from the top of your tank. Removing five screws (pro tip: note the positioning because it will only go back one way) is all that is required.

I then had someone watch the fuel gauge as I moved the float up and down to try and determine what was going on. In my case, it appeared that the sensor was actually working (it read from 100% to empty). However, as I mentioned before, I do plan on replacing it next spring.

As for where I got it, I just googled the brand and specs /length that were on the original sender. Sorry, but I don’t recall exactly who the merchant was.
I ran out of gas when my Simrad said I had 15 gallons left in my 56 gallon tank. My issue was due to my Simrad not being calibrated properly in the Vessel part. So I went to top off the gas and entered "full" under the 56 gallon tank and have never had an issue since. Glad it was that simple