Grill mounting on GCW


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Cumming GA
I have very little open railing to mount the clamp on style grill and I really don't want to put the pole mount on the aft swim step..  Any ideas?
I'm thinking of putting the grill clamp on the aft railing over the aft deck and putting a heavy mat under the grill to catch any drips.
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Had a friend who had a grill on his Aqua Patio. Just wanted to throw out my $.02......he loved it at first but it quickly became a pain when he started to drop and spill things and make a mess. The carpet and rail area around the grill had splatter marks and just looked like crap! He always complained that the surface area of the grill was too small to cook anything substantial for his family of 5......

This was back about 10 yrs. ago so I'm sure they have better larger grills that are mounted out over the water instead of directly on the rail itself......
Had a friend who had a grill on his Aqua Patio. Just wanted to throw out my $.02......he loved it at first but it quickly became a pain when he started to drop and spill things and make a mess. The carpet and rail area around the grill had splatter marks and just looked like crap! He always complained that the surface area of the grill was too small to cook anything substantial for his family of 5......

This was back about 10 yrs. ago so I'm sure they have better larger grills that are mounted out over the water instead of directly on the rail itself......
The problem with the 2275 GCW is that there is no apparent easy way to mount a grill hanging over the water especially if using a bow filler seat to fill the port side gate space. 
We were considering a grill as well but heard the many stories of how it was more mess than it was worth. We were thinking of mounting stainless u-shaped holding clamps to the rear of the deck next to the engine, port side, opposite the ladder. The 2 grill bracket poles would drop into those holes, hanging over the water and low so I was thinking that could virtually eliminate drips on the boat, especially with a little mat placed just in front of it on the aft deck. Would need to bend down to grill but I'd be okay with that if it eliminated the mess, reduced wind, etc. Of course, it would be removed when under way or in rough water but thinking a grill anywhere on the boat would need that anyways. Anyone else tried something like that and if so, did it work out?
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I know you said you didn't want a swim platform pole mount but you may want to reconsider.

As it has been said not much railing available on the GCW... We also have a 2275 GCW and I finally used the pole mount on the port side. I really like it there now, use the port recliner to lay utensils, etc. while grilling. Yes I have the seat covered where I lay these items.

We found that lining the bottom of the grill with aluminum foil really help with any mess, and a much quicker clean up of the grill itself. 

We do not use the grill as much as we thought we would, but when we do it's fun.

Best of luck making a decision. 

Scotty mount


with grill adapter


or for Magma

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The doors are strong enough to hold a grill? i do have a bow filler seat placed in the port side space but it easily moved if needed to grill.  I had thought about that but wasn't sure if the door was strong enough.  

I like the scotty mount look.  What type of grill can mount to it?  I would prefer not to drill holes and mount brackets in the railing if possible.
The doors are strong enough to hold a grill? 
I would think if the door is closed it would be .... check the grill weight. I can't imagine them being extremely heavy ..... just my opinion on weight capacity of the door ....  ;)

I would NOT put a grill near the seats !!!!!
Mount this on the side or rear (rub rail area), then use the grill mount shown above. Keeps it off to the side, low to the water, and nothing to trip over.

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I like the scotty mount look.  What type of grill can mount to it?  I would prefer not to drill holes and mount brackets in the railing if possible.

That's why I use these. The screws go under the rail. No drilling. I just bought another one with a camera mount to use on my toon.

The problem is our panels go all the way up to the railing. No space to put the bolts through. I already have a design in my head that would work, but since I'm not a machinist or metal worker, it will just stay in my head. Hmm I just thought, wonder about the EZ Fender guy? I can't remember if he was back in operation, but I bet he could do it. We could revolutionize the mounting bracket industry!! Hehe 

We could come up with a catchy name, like EZ mount! Slogan, it bites like a Bulldog! Or something better. Our marketing department could take care of that.
We have used this railing bracket setup with good success on the side bow door:


The only problem is if you use your bow filler seat in the door space the back of it can come in contact with the Magma rail bracket. I'm looking for a neat spacer for between the seat and the railing so that contact is eliminated. Otherwise I Like the setup.

Be careful to remember to place the grill inboard if you're docking in a tight space.

We use a floor mat in the gate floor space to catch anything that might drip if the grill is rotated inboard. As mentioned above lining the grill with foil helps to prevent unwanted grill residue from droping on the floor too.
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