Guess the part?

It was a Factory replacement. My Orignal swimdeck has some issues, and this is it's replacment. 

Now the next task will be to install the Swim deck Matt.

And I thought that might be a new front door mat for the house! I'm sure it'll look great when completed.
I decided I wanted to add some additional pieces. I'm adding the sides
The Bosch multi tool is awesome. Here is a example of the kind of sanding detail you can do with it.

the black pencil line is where the edge of the Matt sits. My main goal was to remove the raised texture/non slip surface. I will do a less aggressive grit up to the pencil line
So as soon I was happy with the placement and it sat where it needed to sit I tapend down 1/2 of the mat and then folded it in 1/2

Nice work Mr G, of course I would expect that out a guy that owned 4 sanders
Is that a joke or did you mean to miss spell Bennington.
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