Happy New Year .

Jack M

Reaction score
Indian River ,Michigan
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Nice tease for warmer weather to come (eventually).
Sure is cold in Petoskey .Says 13 much colder with the wind 

Got about 4-5 inches overnight .

Just got done with the driveway 
Happy New Year  everyone..
Happy New Year and be safe out there.
        Happy New Year 


     Crossing My Fingers 


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Happy New Year everybody! May we all get more boating in 2015 than we can stand!
Wishing a Happy and prosperous New Year from me and mine to you and yours on this first day of 2015. 

Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New Year to all. Hope this is the year that I get 200 hours out of my boat. That said I'll be happy just getting out in it  and enjoy doing nothing.

Got 4 day reservations for  Lake Murray stay in July and then again 4 in August  Villa on the water Boat tied to pier. Living like you Lake Living People.

"What A Wonderful world This Is" 
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Cold... Brrr... Snow....

Happy New Year and may spring hurry the hell up and get here!
Hoping 2015 is a better year than 2014 for all.

I for one had a great 2014. It will be pretty hard to top but you never know!
Beautiful boat but I'm going to hang on to mine for a while.
Jack, that is the match of the boat I saw at a Bennington Dealers marina.  It was gorgeous and when I found out it was priced in the $70's got to admit I had a brief case of PADS.  I love the windshield.  Others are doing it as well in the PDB magazines review of the 2015s, Crest 250 continental had a real nice high windshield.  Nice looking boat just under $80 with a 250 Mercury.  Cobalt's M27 was $120 and while nice looking the seats appeared to be bottom cushions with a cushioned back rail rather than a full bench seat.

Love my Benny and am sticking with it