Help with prop selection

Thanks for all the information as currently I'm trying to find a 15 X 15P enertia to try as Ken from propgods suggested no more than that at this time. What was interesting he said I was only getting 5% prop slip and he seems to like the enertia props also.My friend has a power tech 15.25 X 17 on the same motor and same length boat but different manufacturer and he is 5200 rpm at 46-47 MPH which to me is too low of RPM.
Thanks for the numbers as I have contacted them also and they are the ones that said I am propped great with the numbers I told them but I think it could be better. I will let this forum know what happens with the 15 x 15 enertia as any info is good info.
Toons are clean and after talking with Propgods and mercury they say I'm hitting the rev limiter if thats true as my high RPM for my motor is 6000.I wish someone with a L23 and the ESP center toon would chime in and see what they are running.
Try some Searchs, it works rather well.

Specifically, search for "Post your specs" lots of great info in there​

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I would either stick with the 15p as your numbers don't sound terrible. I might try a 17p but no way would I go to a 13p.
Guys, I think Vikingstaff might have it right as I tried a Enertia 15x15 this weekend and the motor is still pulling 6000 RPM and speed is at 44.5 with my wife and I and 1/2 tank of gas. I wonder if the enertia eco 16x17 would keep my rpm's in the range or not or just go with the 14.5x17 enertia. If my rpm range for my motor is 5200-6000 per the mercury info what do you think would be the best range to stay in for not causing harm to the motor 5500-6000 or can I get down to 5200?