Hi! New Bennington Owner

All I see is snow and ice ;-)
Haha, and Tom WINS!! Yup, my lake is still covered in ice as of this weekend, thus, it just looks white!! If I had a toque I'd send it to you!
Ha ha! Are you sure that's your lake? Kinda looks like it might be your back yard.
Haha, and Tom WINS!! Yup, my lake is still covered in ice as of this weekend, thus, it just looks white!! If I had a toque I'd send it to you!
I've always wanted a toque, ever since I learned on this very forum what one is!
Since our boat is 4 hrs away, once the kids got into sports we stopped boating. The weekends were committed. We loved it and had great times but no time for boating. Now they are married and happy, it is our turn and we are loving it.
Welcome aboard!

Our boats are nearly identical, and we bought ours from Heartland too. Michael was just awesome to work with. Next time we buy a boat, I won't look anywhere else. Our first cruise was on Saylorville. Still remember that day vividly. We didn't want to go back to the dock. Nice choice on the 150. I wish we ponied up for the 150. Love the color too (obviously).

I agree the weather is crazy. I can't believe we had a frost Sunday, and nearly 100 just two days later. Good luck with the boat. The kids are going to love tubing!

Oh, by the way, your assessment of Derrick is right on - We've all been trying to figure out for a long time now why he can't post pics. :) (Shhhh. He's from Canada.)
kaydano - We really like Michael too...we're impressed with all the guys at Heartland given their age! Kids are looking forward to tubing on the faster boat....the 90 hp was okay, but they always wanted to go faster and get whipped around a bit...this one should do the trick!

Where do you guys boat?
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I've always wanted a toque, ever since I learned on this very forum what one is!
OK, you got me. What is a toque????
It's very Canadian (Eh)
We call them beanie's here in the states. I own numerous to cover my shaved head in the winter time. :)
Again with the toque? I call em' the Bob & Doug hats. Take Off eh?
Hey, It's a Toque! Take it from the guy that has to wear one 9 months out of the year, I know what I'm talking about!! hahaha

AND ...



Bob and Doug.jpg
Oh believe me, I've seen the movie! I didnt even need a translator to understand them. I think the American version has sub titles! It's still called a toque!
kaydano - We really like Michael too...we're impressed with all the guys at Heartland given their age! Kids are looking forward to tubing on the faster boat....the 90 hp was okay, but they always wanted to go faster and get whipped around a bit...this one should do the trick!

Where do you guys boat?
Okay, good day, eh? Okay, we boat at, like, da Coralville lake. Like da guys above from da great white north just stole your topic, eh? They can just take off. Okay. Bunch of hosers for hijacking dis topic. Like, hey, hose heads, our topic fer da day is not toques, eh??? Take off! Go eat some back bacon. And beer nog. Like, beer nog is beauty eh? Okay, good day! Coo lu coo coo coo lu coo coo!
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Welcome again Christy, this is what you have to look forward to. Haha
You guys crack me up! And I don't know what it's called, but I know I need one when I'm tailgating in the fall....in like 30 degree temps...Derrick I know you're still wearing shorts then. :p

kaydano - we bought our Sweetwater from Coralville Marina. And we're in Iowa City on every home game Saturday in the Fall. In fact we just got the Hawkeye Flag put on the boat last night! B)