Well-Known Member
Gang... I'm getting a lot of flak from my family and friends for my opinion/preference... so I thought I would reach out to my brethren (and sisteren?) to see if you agree with the those who mock me mercilessly, or if you think my opinion is valid. I do not want to be a boat captain. Everybody is a captain! I want to be a skipper. I have a long family history with the Navy, and in my experience every naval captain I've ever met is more commonly known as skipper or skip. That is why I prefer that. However, everyone wants to know if my wife is my 'little buddy' or if I played with Barbie's sister, Skipper, when I was young. Hi-larious! I will admit Skipper Dave sounds a bit silly, but no one will call me that. It will be skipper or skip. And, last time I checked, this is still America and I'm not forcing anything on anyone; people can call me barnacle brain if they choose (although I may make them swab the deck if they do). Thoughts? Reflections? Prescriptions? Signed, Skip

What is the Difference Between Captain and Skipper? |
What is the difference between captain and skipper? Why do they call Captains skipper? How much does a skipper make? Get all the answers!