It here

CcanDo is probably working on one in his secret lair somewhere!! I wonder is he'll come back on here? Miss his intellectual banter.
I never had time to ponder, I was too busy with a dictionary trying to figure out exactly what he said!! But I liked that he would come at things from a different angle. Sorry, off track. Mine is looking like it won't be here until around the second week of July, maybe plus a couple days for the Canada drive! So take LOTS of pictures so I can live vicariously through them/you!!
Lol: as far a boats go Fattee is the man IMO 8L Q with sport tower, as far as I know he is the man! Lol I'm sporting a Old boat with 300+ hrs and a tiny little 5L
Yeah Gee, a 5L - from now on I'm going to call you "Tiny" :rolleyes:
Haha, yup Gee and his old beater! Frig, that thing is gorgeous!