Just joined the Bennington family!

Welcome aboard. As many have said, manuals don't really exist. But I will say I don't recall any question asked here that ever goes unanswered. It is a great group.
I already posted under Pontoon Forum thread. “Watch Out For Deep Holes...”. The short story is that we destroyed both fenders and bent the left side axle carriage. Hopefully we will get it back tomorrow.
Oh crap!
Welcome aboard. As many have said, manuals don't really exist. But I will say I don't recall any question asked here that ever goes unanswered. It is a great group.
Yes sir, It surely appears that way. Thanks
Welcome to central Florida! We live in the Lake Wales area and frequent the other “Chain of Lakes.” We recently took delivery on a 22SSX. We are also new to Pontooning and are very happy with our purchase. Hope you enjoy you boating experience. BTW, I just learned an important lesson about boat ramps. DON’T BACK YOUR TRAILER PAST THE END OF THE RAMP! Long story, expensive lesson!