Just received my first Benny - 2018 SSXP

Nice boat, Scott. I tell you what... since you'll have to store it for the winter, just run it down to my house, and by spring, I'll have the motor broken in for you, and have a list of things that might need to be addressed by the dealership. I wouldn't do this for just anybody, though. :D Congrats!
Thank you all. We actually closed up the camper last weekend and pulled docks and lifts out a week earlier. Accessories are all ordered and the Benny will be going straight into storage until next year. Then the dealer will pull late winter just before spring and install all of the accessories. Going to make for a super long winter but I know it will be well worth it.
Nice looking boat and welcome to the forum.
But your a very patient person with waiting to use it. I'd have to barrow a trailer and take it south if I had too. Maybe visit the boys on lake Norman. Just saying.
Going to be a long winter!

The colors are Driftwood with Sandstone accent. Everything on it was from the 2017 build site.