Let's all be like Bennington, classy!


Just some guy
Reaction score
Dauphin, Manitoba
Hey folks, figured I'd throw up a reminder, to myself included, let's be classy.

We are all adults here, we all come here looking for something, information, help with problems, images, witty banter, sharing our boating experiences and just good old fashioned laughs with friends. There is no reason for us to not be able to just enjoy each others thoughts and adventures. I guess that also means each of us taking the high road when something irks us. I failed to do that, so I apologize. It's the grown up, adult thing to do. We should never have to put moderators in the position where they have to actually moderate over petty issues and squabbles. 

Without naming names, I truly hope you start to take an interest in posting some of your photos again, they were great shots, as everyone would agree. I will try my best to not lead topics off into the distance, which may be tough since I have a great imagination and many funny stories! 

This is the greatest forum I have ever been involved in, and actually, the only one I stayed involved in. Let's all keep it that way. Be Bennington classy! 
Nice post Derrick, i know sometimes things get out of hand, but it takes a person with class to realize and correct them.

I feared you may have been run off by the issues earlier today, but am very happy you are still with us.

Carry on!
I enjoy your comments and levity .
I enjoy reading and looking at posts and it's easy to skip over the ones not interested in. Keep them coming.
I missed it too.
Well said Derrick, well said.
What did I miss??? Darn work got in the way of forum reading again!
Gee was back with his usual comments.  One of the moderators mopped it all up very nicely and quickly.  I saw it at 4 am today. 

Although it wasn't mopped up quickly enough.  Google already has it indexed.  The link from Google back to the Bennington site doesn't go to anything since the posts have been deleted.  But you can see the posts (at least I found Derrick's post) in Google's cached copy.

I guess I didn't realize it until this moment, but Google has its mitts on everything that's posted on the internet, and you can't even delete it!  You can delete the source, but Google will still have a copy forever. 

They probably even have a copy of my fingerprints somehow... 
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I can only imagine. Probably better I missed it as I couldn't control myself during round 1 last year. Did he request his latest username to be deleted as well!!! What a joke!! Keep it classy Andy
Be nice, gentlemen! Thank you.
'nuff said...............
Damn Derrick!  I didn't think THAT would make you leave.    :p
I agree, this post wasn't meant to fire anyone up, it is to remind us all, once again including me, to take the high road, even if it means biting our tongue a time or two. Which I will admit I am not the greatest at doing!
That was nothing. It really wasn't that big of a deal in the first place, it got "mopped up" as someone said quickly, and rightly so. We don't need any negativity on this board, it's too much fun just the way it is! :)
I watched some of it today and it makes me really appreciate the mods' work here. This is definitely one of the classiest boards around, low drama, great people, light moderation. We all have to do our part to keep it that way, as it only exists through Bennington's benevolence. I try not to take myself so seriously these days, as there are so many other matters so much more important in life. Beautiful pictures of boats and places others enjoy, families having a great time, wise advice from experienced owners, mixed with friendly banter, makes for a great forum as well as a stress reliever.
I have never understood how anyone could actually get all butt hurt over words in a thread, but there are softies out there on every forum. #thinfreakingskin
I am a member and have moderated a few cigar forums. I enjoy reading post here because it is drama free for the most part.....that said PWI (posting while impaired), can happen to the best of us ;)
Our mods do a great job here. Thanks again for keeping out the nonsense and keeping our virtual home away from home a great place.
Hey Derrick.  I know a guy that knows a  guy that knows a guy, that.......you know !!    Wadda ya say....?  <_<   Gerry
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My personality can let words ignite my Italian fuse. I love informational chat but there is always someone who interjects with those words that tend to fire up ones emotions. I am trying to stop reading those posts and keep an eye out for the more congenial "what's the best way to keep my vinyl seats clean" I love the forum and always find nice people interesting information and a sense of community owning a Bennington.  still don't have my boat, hope it comes soon.