Lightning Bugs


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Everyone's caught lightning bugs as a kid...  Anyone hit them out of the air with a wiffle ball bat?  I've yet to find someone that's done this before. 

You hear a plink, and then see a bright yellow streak through the air...
If it hits windshield at night and you hit the wipers it lets a light streak across the wiper path ..... :)
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I was 

Guilty of this .....


Never more than that and we released them when we went in 

Had friends tear the lights out to use as rings and etc 

I just couldn't do that 

With a tennis racquet.........
tHE BEASTIE BOYS!!!! PAUL REVERE!!!! ( i did it like this I did it like that I did it with a whiffle ball bat, sooooo...
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Ha ha.  If killing a bug makes you a serial killer, then we all are.  Flies, spiders, wasps, cockroaches, gnats...  Who hasn't killed at least one of all of those?  Maybe even ate some.

Half of you will be showing your kids or grand kids how to hit lightning bugs with a plastic bat (or tennis racket!) next summer.  Just wait.

Ha ha ha.
Okay, here's another one.  Who's caught flies, put them in a straw or bic pen, then shoot them through the air like a spit ball?

They fly straight for 10 feet or so, then fly away.  I bet fly crap flies out of them at the same time.

I need boating season to get here, winter is making me crazy.
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Okay, here's another one.  Who's caught flies, put them in a straw or bic pen, then shoot them through the air like a spit ball?

They fly straight for 10 feet or so, then fly away.  I bet fly crap flies out of them at the same time.

I need boating season to get here, winter is making me crazy.


Where did you grow up....


I thought we were bored ...

And we had the perfect backyard 

Iowa.  That should explain everything.
I bet you own a magnifying glass too...

I shouldn't judge, I trap chipmunks in my down spouts and block their way out with a rock. Shake them out in a couple days and dig a hole. Don't tell the wife!
I own a large Squirrel & Chipmunk trap, Kathy calls it our inground pool.  It bothers her so much seeing a "floater" that I always run out in the morning before she gets up and dispose of it.
My wife is the same way.  I often have a couple rat traps out behind the house for those damn "Chippies" as the wife affectionately calls the chipmunks.  The can do a lot of damage under a brick patio.  I got some water in my basement once because of all the tunnels they dug up next to my foundation.  Instead of water draining away from the house, it goes down the tunnels in seeps in to my basement and gets the carpet wet. 

I often have the rat traps in plain sight of the patio door or window so I can see if they are sprung.  But, they are lightweight traps and often don't instantly kill "Chippy".  Chippy then drags the trap half way around the house until it finally dies.  Then it becomes a game of hide and seek to find the dead Chippy in the rat trap.  So, be happy you can just fish one out of the "pool".  I often have to search all over the back yard to find it!  Ha ha.
Andy, I had a magnifying glass (like everyone else here) but they tend to just make stuff smoke and stink, and it takes way too long to set something on fire.  Matches are much simpler, so threw the magnifying glass away.  Ha ha.

We caught a chipmunk it a downspout once too, and my thought was to just let it bake in the sun a few days, but the wife had to take it out to the country and let it go.  Put it in a 5 gallon pail, put a lid on it, and drive out of town to let it go.  What do you do?

We had an old cat die years ago.  Don't pick up a dead cat like you'd pick up a live cat.  All the "stuff" runs out if you do that.  Pick it up "ass up".  Anyway, it was February, and I wasn't going to pay a vet $100 to take a dead cat.  I decided to just bury it.  But the ground was frozen.  The ground was fairly soft up next to the house foundation though, and with a hammer drill, I was able to break it up enough to shovel out a hole.  Of course I did this at 4 am so the neighbors wouldn't see me.  People tend to look out their windows when they see a light on at 4 am...

Anyway, I was playing cards with the neighborhood guys a few days later and told them what I did.  One of them said "I would have put the dead cat in a plastic bag, put it in the freezer, then set it out with the trash on trash day".  There was a long silence while we all pondered what the wives would say to that, then we all agreed that was a GREAT idea!   Ha ha ha.
As for chipmunks they always seem to run and hide in the downspouts when I come out. I have placed rocks near all of them so once they are in there I block their exit. Due to the aluminum downspout they cannot climb out the top. Depending on weather they either freeze to death, overheat or drown. It is typically a 3 day process. Then once the scratching and chirping stops I shake the corpse out of the down spout, and bury it.

A joy of living on the water is the occasional dead fish that will wash up. Nothing says lets not take a swim like a puffy bellied bulging eyed bass on your shore stinking up the place. I actually scoop them out, bag em up and take them to the rite-aid at the corner and make a deposit in their garbage can by the front doors. I don't feel to bad about it as we buy stuff there all the time. The stench is terrible though! I'm sure some have walked in with the intent to buy headache medicine and walked out with something for a stomach ache too!!!

After reading that back to myself I sound like a psychopath.
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Bury the fish in your garden .Good fertilizer .
We don't have green thumbs.
Bury the fish in your garden .Good fertilizer .
The dogs dig them up. We get a lot of fish on our beach, sometimes big pike, carp, and such. I usually try to find a swamp to toss them into.
I see those shrubs in the background of your signature pic . :D
We haven't made it to the "front" yard yet. Now that the deck and stoarage shed is done it will be spruced up this spring. This picture is from 2013 I think after I finished the deck.

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