Looking for a second (third, fourth, fifth . . . .) opinion!

I was disappointed that our boat purchased off the lot did not come with the center storage. However, we seem to somehow muddle by without it. On those occasional days when we're skiing or wakeboarding, we do have to step around the equipment when not in use. When we tube, we just inflate/deflate as necessary and store the deflated tube under the starboard aft lounger. Everything else seems to fit in the normal storage areas so we're living proof that it is possible to do without. But if you have the coin, definitely do it.
I am mixed on the in floor storage based on our experience. We got it. It does retain moisture, and leaving items in there, particular in humid weather, could easily result in mildew/mold on items in my opinion.

I think it’s MORE useful if you’re home is not dockside/lakeside. If you have to store items on your boat at a marina or haul it on a trailer, I can see the extra storage being REALLY important/handy. For us, since our cottage is dosckside, and due to moister build up, we have found ourselves using it less than we anticipated. We often just pick up or drop of the type of things we’d otherwise keep in it (boat cover, inflatables, water sport items).

Still handy for sure. But if we didn’t have it, we really wouldn’t be missing it due to our cottage being on the lake.
I am mixed on the in floor storage based on our experience. We got it. It does retain moisture, and leaving items in there, particular in humid weather, could easily result in mildew/mold on items in my opinion.

I think it’s MORE useful if you’re home is not dockside/lakeside. If you have to store items on your boat at a marina or haul it on a trailer, I can see the extra storage being REALLY important/handy. For us, since our cottage is dosckside, and due to moister build up, we have found ourselves using it less than we anticipated. We often just pick up or drop of the type of things we’d otherwise keep in it (boat cover, inflatables, water sport items).

Still handy for sure. But if we didn’t have it, we really wouldn’t be missing it due to our cottage being on the lake.
Interesting perspective from someone who knows rather than someone (like me) who thinks he knows...
Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate you all sharing your experiences and perspectives. I am still mixed on the in floor storage. I hate being out on the water, underway, and having "stuff" all about. Meanwhile, my house is lakeside and it's not a huge lake. But then I remember how much I like to have things out of the way and when I think about kids and two energetic golden retrievers underfoot, anything I can do to lessen the chaos is a positive. So, I'm going to add the in floor storage - but clear it out at the end of the day so things don't get mildewy in there.

I also took the advice to add the second battery. Better safe than sorry. I am looking forward to enjoying some night cruising and a little sitting on the water enjoying the illuminated options. It would ruin a great night, not to mention be a real safety hazard to end up with a dead battery.

Based on the advice here, I also added the pop up cleats. I'll have two golden retrievers, (Macon and Splash) jumping off the aft deck, not to mention the human toes that might get stubbed. I've not had an extended aft deck before - sounds like you all that do really use it - figured I might as well make it as hazard free as possible.

While I may well live to regret it, I'm going to pass on the power steering for now and see, given the fact that most of my time will be cruising versus pulling tubes and skis plus the fact I'll only have a 21 foot boat with 150 HP, if it is too much of a work out. The lake where I'll be doesn't have rough chop. So, I'm going to try to save a few dollars. I'll let you all know mid-summer if I am regretting not following the consensus here. I was heartened by the few that said it would be ok, just not ideal.

I'm firming everything up tomorrow and it sounds like my boat will be ready near the first of May. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to weigh in - you all are a great group of folks.
I am mixed on the in floor storage based on our experience. We got it. It does retain moisture, and leaving items in there, particular in humid weather, could easily result in mildew/mold on items in my opinion.

I think it’s MORE useful if you’re home is not dockside/lakeside. If you have to store items on your boat at a marina or haul it on a trailer, I can see the extra storage being REALLY important/handy. For us, since our cottage is dosckside, and due to moister build up, we have found ourselves using it less than we anticipated. We often just pick up or drop of the type of things we’d otherwise keep in it (boat cover, inflatables, water sport items).

Still handy for sure. But if we didn’t have it, we really wouldn’t be missing it due to our cottage being on the lake.

Would a product like Damprid/Dampdry help with the moisture problem by putting a container or 2 down there???
I'm finding damprid only works if the area it is in is essentially airtight. I have two in my boat currently and they cannot keep up with the humidity down here. Luckily I have one week to go until it is out of shrink wrap and back under it's own cover.
Would a product like Damprid/Dampdry help with the moisture problem by putting a container or 2 down there???
It is enough moisture buildup that we have to run the bilge pump when we get on the boat.