Looking for advice...looking at 22 SSRX!

Hello! First time pontoon owner (almost!). Have 2 kids...(3&6)...and think the 22 SSRX looks like a good layout. Looking at one with a Yamaha 115, and express tube. We are going to be on a decent size lake (40km shoreline)...and will probably use it for cruising, fishing, and tubing. Thoughts about what I should be looking for? Is this engine the right one? Etc...
If you're on a decent sized lake, you'll want to be able to move faster and not take as long to get where you're going sometimes. Also, based on how you want to use the boat, I think you'll want more horsepower.

Are you able to test drive a few different models so you can see and feel the difference yourself between a 115 and a 150 or higher?
My vote is also for the SPS and at least a 150hp if you plan on doing watersports. Even for resale I think it's a good idea. When I was selling my last boat (2 log with 115hp) usually the first question was "is it a tritoon?" The 115 does ok with a light load but as soon as it's loaded up a bit performance drops off quickly.
i have 24' sps with the 200 yamaha. i would agree that sps and 150 is a min. also there are a ton of threads on this site with opinions on so many options. a couple of key ones have been listed, i also have extended deck in front of boat, and center toon storage, those two are big for us and would not do without them if buying a future boat, but love ours that we have now!