My marinas bird problem, and my solution

I would go covered 100% of the time if an option. I think you also have less bird poop issues when covered than non-covered - but maybe that’s a northern/Michigan climate thing...? Here it seems the birds sit on top of whatever is available. I also 2nd Jared’s comments directly above. It also turns your boat into a luxury covered porch when shade or reprieve from rain is needed, but you still want to hang around outside near the water.
I would absolutely go covered if available. My boat hardly gets wet in the covered slip and birds are manageable.
Thanks for the input gents! I suppose on crappy days I can hang on the boat with a suppressed air rifle and defend the boat. :D.

Back in Kandahar we had a severe Pigeon problem in the hangar and there was an Air Force cat whose only job in life was to conduct bird control with a suppressed air rifle. He'd let us take shots…it was good fun actually.
Just be careful not to shoot holes in the roof above your boat! Nothing worse than trying to rest in a gentle rainfall and you're getting water-boarded.

Thanks for the input gents! I suppose on crappy days I can hang on the boat with a suppressed air rifle and defend the boat. :D.

Back in Kandahar we had a severe Pigeon problem in the hangar and there was an Air Force cat whose only job in life was to conduct bird control with a suppressed air rifle. He'd let us take shots…it was good fun actually.