My purchase caused the wind.


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Any other newbies feel this way? I wait for a year to actually purchase my boat instead of rushing in last year when I wasn't ready and now it seems the wind blows everyday. Just wondering if anyone else feels like me.
Heh Heh heh, If we waited for the wind to not blow up here in the northern plains states to go boating there wouldn't be a boat anywhere in site. Just suck it up and get out there and have fun.
I am with you "amr". A recent newspaper article said the winds in north Texas have been 4-5 mph above average the last two months - seems like everyday it 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph :angry: But like "wild and free" says, we just need to get out there in it - our only real wind problem is with reloading on the trailer and having to time approaches in between wind gusts!
Some of our friends call us "fair weather boaters". I guess we just don't like to take the boat out unless conditions are pretty good. Who needs the stress of plowing over white caps and having the wind push you all around! I figure boating is supposed to be a relaxing activity, not a stress test! So while we may miss out on a few extra days on the water, the ones we get sure are alot more fun. I just hope the severe weather is over and the good folks over in Missouri get our help and prayers.
Just came in from the lake. Sunday and today were both really windy. I would say yesterday we saw winds between 40 and 50 mph during gusts. Way too dangerous to be out on this particular lake.

On the other hand, Saturday was wonderful. Lots of boats on the water and that made it rough, but it was a different kind of rough. We boated out into the middle portion of the lake, killed the boat and never drifted over 100 yards away from original site. Lots of chop but it seemed to just move us in a circle all afternoon. Was a great afternoon of people(boat) watching.

Justifying it all, I dont mind rough. Dangerous water is another story.