need suggestions


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Lake Cumberland KY - White Oak Community Dock
Boat at dealer last fall/early winter for new cover and toon replacement. Pick it up, it has a new cover and new toon and I stick it in the barn. This spring don't use it because of travel restrictions. Open the boat up yesterday and it had leaves on the floor, on the seats and on the cushions stacked on the seats. I have stains from the wet leaves on 20% of the upholstery. Soap and water helped a little bit. Any suggestion that is not a harsh chemical. The upholstery cleaner from Marine 31 did nothing. I need to get the leaf juice out of the material. I was thinking one of those steam cleaner for grout might work without damaging the material.

Oh no. I wonder if a starbrite mildew remover would help. Otherwise let it sit in the sun and the colors may fade like when a bathing suit bleeds.
I am out of my Marine 31 Mildew remover. I ordered a resupply this morning. They have a gel that would give a longer soak time. I'm hopeful!
Good luck with the leaf juice ,I had some on concrete at our previous house that I never was able to get out
Try the Awesome cleaner from the Dollar store. Excellent product for vinyl, plastic, and carpet.....
I used Mean Green in the past starting with a 50/50 mixture with water and working up to full strenght when needed. The majority of the time this has worked for me.