New alarm in shallow water


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We have a 2017 22SX PONTOON with 115 HP Yamaha. We got into shallow water and weeds yesterday. Got out ok, but now getting alarm that sounds when I’m in shallow water. I turn off ignition and alarm stops. Upon restart, no alarm. Boat ran fine. What could it be? Impeller clogged?
Is it peeing ok?
X2 on Jack’s peeing question. Just a guess - Sounds like you might have a clogged water intake impacting cooling when water is shallow and limited water is cooling the motor. If it continues, maybe try flushing the motor with a hose to see if it clears out any obstruction.
On my old Johnson's and my Mercury, you can unscrew the pee hole assembly with a crescent wrench and a times when I did that, there were little tiny pebbles and debris that fell out that couldn't come out of the pee hole and when not under pressure, would go back in the cooling jackets only to clog it again some random time later when it all "lined up" just right..
Flushing is always a good thing as others have said when motoring in shallow water.
Sounds likely a high-temp alarm when cooling water is restricted. Once you get out of the shallows sometimes bottom muck needs to work itself out with water flow.

If you restart in clear water and you get the high temp alarm after a while, shut down and protect the engine. Let it cool off, then restart and see what happens - often times the 2nd or 3rd try gets the debris unclogged and you're fine after that. If you continue to alarm there could be an issue with the pump/impeller, cooling passages or your water intakes. If those are all checked and fine and still getting an alarm - time to take it to the dealer! Could be another alarm (low oil) or bad sensor.
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I agree it was an intake issue but not due to water depth, but you second statement, shallow water and WEEDs the suction holds them to the intake while engine is running and they release when you turn off the engine. Happens offshore as well