New to Bennington


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Hi Folks

In the process of purchasing a new 23SX and have a first question. The co captains seat is low enough that my wife commented on it. I'm told by sales there is a riser, parts says he looking into it. Any one have experience with this? It wold be easy enough to machine a disk insert but would prefer a Bennington part if available. Only other upgrade is seastar power steering for her. A happy wife means a happy life. Thanks
You didnt mention the size of your motor ,you may not need the power steering .
We have the captains and co captains seats ,Im 6'5" my wife is 5'2" we dont think they are low


Welcome! I have the same as Jack M and we are fine with the seat. I could be wrong but is there an adjustment to raise the seat? Members will chime in.
We have the Yamaha 150, it was somewhat stiff to steer on the test drive, we are use to PS on V8 I/Os. Called Bennington tech dept and they told me they recommend PS on 150 and up but most dealer don't do it. Its just the Co captains seat felt a little low. Could be adjustment.

Got family at Green Lake, been dealing with Shoreline Marine for along time.

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Thanks Jack, that helps.

I also called Seastar about the base hydraulic unit. They told me its not power steering and is only better than the old cable system because most of the mechanical parts are gone, replaced with fluid. I'm a retired import auto dealer tech and I want to understand all I can about the boats Ive owned.
When the tech reps realize I understand mechanical issues, they really open up. My family cares about the wow factor in boating. I want to know where issues might arise so I can deal with them if possible.
I would definitely recommend power steering as opposed to just the SeaStar. Night and day difference. What other options are you considering?
150 ,Stainless Steel prop also
We have the Yamaha 150, it was somewhat stiff to steer on the test drive, we are use to PS on V8 I/Os. Called Bennington tech dept and they told me they recommend PS on 150 and up but most dealer don't do it. Its just the Co captains seat felt a little low. Could be adjustment.

Got family at Green Lake, been dealing with Shoreline Marine for along time.

Cool! Ya good bunch at Shoreline. Bought my first boat there in 2012 and became friends with them all. Now on my third boat from them. Shoreline is who you are dealing with now? Or your family does?
Brother and cousin have lake homes, I live on the upper Fox River boating on that and the Chain O lakes in NE Illinois. Use to take my boat to Greenlake but not this one. Don't enjoy towing distances anymore.

No other dealer options, Just basic surround seating. The Yamaha comes with a SS prop,
If the base to the chair is a Springfield product go to their website, several height-adjustment options that you may be able to swap in. What might be a challenge is if you have to change the bolted pedestal portion and cannot readily access from below due to wave tamer option or other obstructions. Possible it's screwed in but perhaps someone else who has removed a chair can chime in.
Brother and cousin have lake homes, I live on the upper Fox River boating on that and the Chain O lakes in NE Illinois. Use to take my boat to Greenlake but not this one. Don't enjoy towing distances anymore.

No other dealer options, Just basic surround seating. The Yamaha comes with a SS prop,
We keep our boat at the 100 Club off of RT 12, so we are quite close to you. Assuming you are I’m using Munson as your dealer? Best of luck with the purchase. Keep a look out for us. Black/Red 26LX with white interior
Got the last slip available at Munsons Water tower marina. Tell me the places that are good eats on the water, did most survive covid? Is the best (Safest) swimming still lake Catherine? Blarney Island still a freak show? our last boat went through 2014. Alot may have changed since then.

They are switching out a 4 in riser to a 6 in.
Got the last slip available at Munsons Water tower marina. Tell me the places that are good eats on the water, did most survive covid? Is the best (Safest) swimming still lake Catherine? Blarney Island still a freak show? our last boat went through 2014. Alot may have changed since then.

They are switching out a 4 in riser to a 6 in..
Munson's has a really nice Marina there...we are just not sure if we wanted to be on the river, which would be a 15 min up and back every time we want to go to the chain. Honestly, we really have not had a chance to hit Blarney on the new boat as we are always, tubing, Cruizing or swimming. We do most of our swimming in Pastakee Bay, but I hear that Catherine is nice. We have to head up there before the end of the season
Took delivery last Thursday, so we are back in boating. Power Steering is 180 deg turn from standard seastar hydraulic.
Glad to hear you're swimming in the Lakes. My daughter has been animated about the water way being a problem for swimming, so shes not on board with the grandkids getting in the water. From the late 80's on we would get wet in Lake Catherine, never went swimming in the river but that was as much to do with traffic as water quality issues. The farther south you go the more the runoff becomes a concern. Hoping she lightens up going forward.
Any good eating places with acceptable piers north of the locks, Vickies place is a walk away from Water Tower. Any others?
I'm sure there are others that are good, we just have not explored too many. I know Famous Freddies and The Lake House are good.
This s a good website to get updated on what is available