New Yamaha OB


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Detroit, MI
Anybody with a recent delivery with a Yamaha get the newly released version? I think it is the F115B-F175A? If so, could you let me know what the 1st digits of the serial number are? I believe the F115A has the start of 68V.

How do you like it if you have it?  Thanks!
Got my answer :) .

I did in deed get the new version of the 115. And I love it!
Lonestar is the new model F115B?  
Yes, the new model is the F115B, from what I have found. Also I believe the serial numbers now start with 68K instead of 68V.
What are the differences?
Better fuel economy and ultra low emissions, larger displacement, 24 lbs lighter, .7 seconds faster ( :) ) , 46% more amp output, new trolling speed controller in 50rpm increments. And the shift damper system for this size engine now.
I was excited to see that this is the largest improvement Yamaha has done since 1999.
I love the sds hub. Didn't the cowling change too? Lets see some pics!! 
Congratulations on your new motor.  I don't think that Yamaha's done much to the F150's since 2006. 

Sometimes it's just best if they're left alone--and there are no major issues.
You can keep the soul but give it a face lift. I think the styling of the f150 is a bit dated.
Yep on the F150 styling.  They put their new styling on the SHO motors.  If my F150 cowling costs $1400, I'd hate to think how much Yamaha charges for the SHO cowling--after the tape stripe kit's added.

My dealer already warned me to be very careful when checking the oil level because the engine cowlings do not float.
Yikes on the cowling not floating. And not sure if the 150 was updated (I have 115 so didn't check). I am trying to get pictures from the outside of the boat, but so far have put over 10 hrs on it in 2 days of boating :)