OK, I am about to be dethroned!


Reaction score
I've been smack on top of the user list since February with the most posts. Most as in quantity, not quality. I was the first Commodore, but alas, Geoff and Andy are barking at my heels. Geoff has led in post views almost exclusively, but I was a bigger post whore.

Frankly, I've been so busy boating and attending to my fair weather pursuits and "to do's" that I just haven't the time for much posting.

It was a good run while it lasted, but I'm willing to hand over the crown to our next big post whore. Over and out.

Not trying to take your spot here. Just trying to do what I can to help people out and keep this site interesting and used. I figure Geoffery will overtake.

However, if it is me to take the top spot, I will do my best to uphold the integrity and honor you have brought to the position. :lol: :lol:

Now, on the other hand, what is it you do between the hours of midnight and breakfast time? You could be keeping your position during those hours if you just would. :D


Just as I was about to tear up, you stated you have been busy...boating. Pass the baton!
Maybe we could start a new reality show " Battle of the Post Whores " :p
Gosh Randy, sorry to hear you've been so busy having a good time :p I'm not intentionally trying to surpass you, it's just that i use my computer at work, that allows me to be on here quite a bit during the day. You'll always be the Post Whore Commodore in my mind! Just check in with us when you can, we'll leave the light on for ya!
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