Ordering a new Bennington


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I'm ordering a 21SLX next week and have a question for the experts. How much difference would there be between the 20" transom express tube package with the new 2015 Mercury 115 and the 25" SPS package and the Mercury 150. I definitely want 3 tubes . Would the difference be significant or just a few miles per hour on the top end. Can I prop the 115 to get this closer? We normally boat with 4-6 people so not a big load on the boat and occasionally waterski.

Maybe a 115 exec would work.  95% of the time we are just slowly cruising around but do want to ski.

Thanks in advance

Welcome aboard Mike!

The biggest complaint people have when they get their toon is................I WISH I HAD GOTTEN THE BIGGER MOTOR!

I think that should answer your question.
When I bought mine the salesman said I have never had anyone come back to me and day they wish they had bought a smaller motor.
You will want the 150 for skiing, no question.
I bought the biggest one allowed on my 18 FSX, but it is only a 60HP.  I tops out at approx 18 mph, and I am sure there will be times that I might prefer a little faster speed.  I maybe should have bought a 20 FSX, but don't have that option now. (Wife wanted the smaller size).
Funny my wife wanted as big as we could get. Said she's not used to "big ones". Not sure what she meant.
I got my 24SSLX with F150 out for the first time of the season this afternoon.  The wind's still whipping up pretty hard on our south side of the lake.

Then I went cruising 12 miles across the river and up a creek where more houses are located.  All sizes of boats were swarming in all directions--big and small.  And though my side of the lake was pretty wavy, it was nothing like ACROSS THE LAKE.  But my 24' ExpressTube took it all in stride.

And I was thinking how fortunate I am to have such a fine boat that rides so smoothly and handles the waves so capably.  The big waves is where tritoons shine.
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150 and SPS you won't regret it.
Funny my wife wanted as big as we could get. Said she's not used to "big ones". Not sure what she meant.
When we purchased a Hurricane Deck Boat, she also felt bigger was better, so we bought a 24 footer.  However, after having it for about 15 years, and usually it was just the two of us on the boat, we both decided a smaller pontoon fit our needs better.

I do like the smaller size, but a bigger motor would probably have been better.

So I guess my advice, along with others, is to get the largest motor the boat will accommodate.
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One of The Best Pieces of Advice Given 

Year after Year on This Forum 

BUY The BIGGEST Motor You Can Afford 

Then You Have No Regrets 

Go 150 for sure. The 115 to 150 jump seems to be the agreed upon point where your motor will not limit water sport activities and can handle a full boat adequately.
There are numerous topics on the 115 regret purchase, someone on their desktop can probably post a link(my mobile always makes it a pain in the butt), I can't say I really remember too many upset with the performance of the 150. It is by far the best bang for your buck as far as cost vs performance. To be the SPS is also a no brainer if it is a consideration right now. There are those that are happy with adding the express tube, but based on how you said you would like to use it, 150 SPS all the way. If you can swing power steering into the mix you will have nothing left to second guess or want to add later. I love my ps. 
150 and sps here. Go big or go home. You won't regret it.
Money is always an issue, but the 150 is a HUGE step up from the 115.  It's only 35 extra HP on paper, but the performance is like having two 115s on the back.  Ask me how I know...

Not sure why Bennington continues to sell the Express now that they have the SPS.  I have the Express, and based on Andy's comments, I'd go SPS in a heartbeat.  I like the Express, don't get me wrong.  SPS wasn't an option when I bought my boat.  Express was the big "bang for the buck" option, if cash was an issue, but again, I'd go SPS without even thinking twice about it now that it is offered.
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