Planning A Wedding

Congrats! Just spent all weekend working on projects to make the wife happy! That is what it is all about!
Me at my only daughter's wedding in 2007, which conveniently was our 25th anniversary.


The bartending crew got lost and was 2 hours late. Since the father of the bride had such extensive experience tapping a keg, I held this position for the first 2 hours of the reception. Got to meet lots of folks that way. Had a few lightweights who complained I was pouring the drinks "too stiff."

So, enjoy and know there is a SNAFU with your name on it..... just lurking. ;-)

        Thank you for the advice, 

Life is filled with unexpected mishaps 

Learning to flow with those mishaps is a gift I lack in

Being OCD and striving for Perfection is a great quality in many ways 

But not with family , friends and special occasions 

I hope to learn to expect the mishaps and to learn to laugh at them 

Expecting The Unexpected and Learning To Laugh Is A Gift

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The best/worst thing that happened at/around our wedding, was a couple days before my soon to be father in law was in a head on collision. It was on a stretch that the speed limit was 70km/h, luckily. It was a couple days before our wedding. Now I say it was the best/worst thing because it sure changes what you think is important on that day. I remember waking up in the morning and it was kind of dreary, drizzle of rain and pretty cool out. But none of it mattered. All that mattered was that all our friends and family were able to make it and enjoy our day. It puts things into perspective that regardless of if I screw up my speech, or a cousin gets too drunk and we have to ask them to leave (yup, seriously happened), or you don't have that picture perfect sunny day. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that your loved ones were there to take part in it.  Besides, no one remembers most of it anyways, at least in the cousins case! We always get a great laugh when I bug the father in law, " Hey, you welcomed me into the family!!" His response is always, "Well I was heavily medicated at the time!! " haha yup, great times! My wife was just happy that he was still able to walk her down the isle, albeit it was more of a hobble, but he made it!
Great Story Derrick

Thank you for sharing 

Having In-Laws who are welcoming and loving is sooo important

Mine, well lets just say are the true "IN LAWS "

I would never treat my daughters husband as I was treated 

Those with Great In Laws have no idea how fortunate they are !
Go with the flow! We went to a friends wedding 5 years ago. There was a mixup (to say the least) and the caterer (someone she knew) had the wedding on his calendar as Saturday nite instead of Friday! Another friend and I bartended - the beer/booze was from someone else - and they ordered from "Chicken Shack" for their wedding dinner. A frantic/stressful start but a funny memory now.
Congrats! I can't even begin to imagine planning and executing all that out as the father of the bride. When we got married, we scheduled a day of going to various places to look at facilities and learn prices. After the first one we cancelled the rest of our appointments and booked two plane tickets to Hawaii. No joke. 
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Honestly what I would suggest to everyone

Skip the wedding take the money and use it for the ....

Down Payment on A Home 

Weddings and Honeymoons are Huge Business !


Honestly what I would suggest to everyone

Skip the wedding take the money and use it for the ....

Down Payment on A Home 

Weddings and Honeymoons are Huge Business !

Best wedding I was "in". I grabbed pitcher after pitcher and walked around filling drink glasses. Nobody could count how many they had and everyone was very happy when I started walking up.
Congrats to your extending family!
Thank you Dan.

This generation is different from mine, with a Masters Degrees and Careers, relationships are put on hold today 

It's a new chapter in Life's Book 

We couldn't be happier 


"Lake Living Is Living At It's Best"
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