Playpen cover on RCW


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
I wonder if anyone can think of or knows the reason why the RCW cover doesn't come all around the rear deck? It drives me nuts! I get leaves blowing into the boat and all over the rear vinyl, it even blows up onto the rear loungers. It sucks to have to take the playpen cover off when you are going to head out and have to clean your boat again BEFORE you even take it out!

I wonder if anyone can think of or knows the reason why the RCW cover doesn't come all around the rear deck? It drives me nuts! I get leaves blowing into the boat and all over the rear vinyl, it even blows up onto the rear loungers. It sucks to have to take the playpen cover off when you are going to head out and have to clean your boat again BEFORE you even take it out!

If my cover was on the rear deck, I would have no way to snap it at the dock. I have to stand on the deck to attach the cover at the rear of the loungers. You boat is newer but I can not see how leaves would get under the cover on ours. Canada leafs must be different then Kentucky leafs. :rolleyes:
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Haha, well the cover only comes down and snaps in the transom area. Do you have the open rear area or the Ltd with panels all the way around? I will try to take a pic of it and post.

We have the I/O. The cover comes over the rails and snaps on the panel and then gets longer and snaps below the floor at the walkway. My gallery pics show the back end of the boat. We had frost last night , are you prepping the ice fishing equipment?
Here are a couple pics


I would say

1. probably cost savings (that would be a lot more fabric)

2. Real pain to fit around ladder.

3. Snapping on could be a pain in the a**

4. It's made to keep "carpet" dry(er), with vinyl they might figure why even cover it.

Just my thoughts.

I agree with you Smitty, but they talked about how it's 'possible for wet leaves to stain the vinyl, we'll those are leaves, and we had snow/rain today, so that concerns me.

Yeah, I def. know what you mean. I saw new boats that vinyl was pretty dirty already, that's why we opted for carpet instead of full vinyl.

Maybe you could get a local upholstery shop to make a extension piece to attach to existing cover and add snaps to existing cover and to rub rail area ??
Yeah, I def. know what you mean. I saw new boats that vinyl was pretty dirty already, that's why we opted for carpet instead of full vinyl.

Maybe you could get a local upholstery shop to make a extension piece to attach to existing cover and add snaps to existing cover and to rub rail area ??
Thats not a half bad idea! Sheesh, turns out you Americans are useful for more than just your cheap liquor and warm destinations!

Haha just bugging eh!

Should snap to the deck would make it less apt to get that dirty

Little extra material and a few more snaps

I wouldnt like that either

Thats not a half bad idea! Sheesh, turns out you Americans are useful for more than just your cheap liquor and warm destinations!

Haha just bugging eh!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well now I'm REALLY ticked! Went to clean off the leaves in the picture, and all the ones that blew through the rear gate, and I crawl under and what do I see??? Frigging CAT PRINTS!!! So no I'm pissed off! Luckily it didn't spray or go to the bathroom in there, at least based on smell, but damnit I hate people who just let their cats wander around the neighborhood! I had 2 cats, (now only one, the other passed away) and I NEVER let them outside! My dogs chased one right up to the top of this tree, I'll have to find the pic as it is hilarious to look at! But back to topic, this cover drives me nuts!

Well now I'm REALLY ticked! Went to clean off the leaves in the picture, and all the ones that blew through the rear gate, and I crawl under and what do I see??? Frigging CAT PRINTS!!! So no I'm pissed off! Luckily it didn't spray or go to the bathroom in there, at least based on smell, but damnit I hate people who just let their cats wander around the neighborhood! I had 2 cats, (now only one, the other passed away) and I NEVER let them outside! My dogs chased one right up to the top of this tree, I'll have to find the pic as it is hilarious to look at! But back to topic, this cover drives me nuts!

Get some pond netting and the little Velcro straps to hold it on, to close off gate while covered. Cheap n quick n easy to install or remove.
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