Pontoon fender mounting clips, who uses what?


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Hey Gang,
Just wondering, since pontoons/tri-toons, are like many boats in terms of no real actual place to tie a rope from a boat fender to, what are many of you using? There are quite a few in the aftermarket in various designs. Many of them just "clip" onto the top 1 1/4" rail and have some sort of rope bind built into them. I looked at about all that I could find and, well, finally decided on some. They're just one of those that clamps or slips over the square tubing rail and, have a stainless steel ring that you run a rope through. For using them on our last boat, I sewed up some webbing with black snap buckles that you could easily adjust the length of the webbing, to accommodate the needed length. But, that design won't work for our new Benny.
What I'm gonna do is, cut off the black buckles and when the new clips arrive, put them in place and then run the existing webbing through the eye of the loop and, mark where I need to sew it. From then on, all we'll need to do is, snap that clip onto the top rail and, the length of the webbing is already calculated. Just clip it on and it's done!

except that the height of the fenders may be different at different docks, rafting with different boats, etc. I would not eliminate the adjustability.
We use EZ Fenders. They look great, are adustable, and come in silver or black.

Also suggest EZ Fenders. I leave my fenders attached at all times; simply pull them up high prior to traveling easy to adjust proper height when needed. Looks pretty cool but of course wife insisted they match the color of the boat
Another 1 for EZ Fenders
I use the EZ fenders as well. I would also suggest you search for this topic here as there was a lot of feedback when I was looking about a year ago. While I like the EZ fenders generally, I have found sometimes it's not easy to always thread the rope through every time you want to hang the bumpers out. Now, I was using 3/8ths rope and while it says thats ok, I struggled. I haven't played with them to try and open the turn screw more but just my initial opinion. I have a friend who uses the taylor made hangers and they are always on the pre-length bumper and just attach very quickly. I may get some of those too for ease of use.
Taylor made hangers here. Love them for ease of use without mounting permanently. You can use the search box at top to see this topic previously discussed.
EZ fenders, work great and don’t interfere with the cover.
Ok gang,
Well, after considering all your suggestions and, reading of your experiences, and based on my intent and also past experiences, I decided on a bit different approach. Below are the two links for the fender hangers and, the fenders themselves.

Now, because I have both the experience in sewing, and I have a commercial walking foot sewing machine, and, in some cases of application, I like webbing instead of rope, and, I thought I'd sew up my own links between the hangers and the fenders. Now, at first, as stated in my original post, I was going to eliminate the ability of adjustment and, just make all four fenders/links the same size. Well it was suggested I keep the adjustment capability. So, I figured that would not be hard in my particular application. If and when needed, I inserted what's called a "tri-bar" clip for adjustment. Below is a link to what they look like.

Now, one thing here. If you look at the pic(s), and the link, you'll see those fenders are 30" long! That's some LOOOOOONNNG fenders. To me, that means there's actually less need for adjustment but, I kept the ability to adjust anyways. I really like the fact that, when those fenders are needed, ANYONE riding in the boat, no matter if experienced or not, can grab any two of the four fenders and, those rail clips are self explanatory and just clip them on the top rail of the boat, DONE!

I looked at those ones you push the rope through and, you'd need to determine the height, each time, and then lock them in place with the thumb knob. Apparently, based on those of you that have responded and, are using them, they work just fine and running the rope through the hole and tightening the screw is no big deal. That's great. We'll see how my system works. By the way, when they're not needed anymore, they simply slide off the top rail and are put away. There is a protective non-slip element attached to each side and top of the inside of the clip so as to not scar the top rail when installed or removed.
